Search results

  1. S

    double suspension

    Hey there, My account was suspended June 7th due to not logging into the forum..I was able to unsuspend it, but it has been suspended again and it has not even been a month. I submitted a request for unsuspension & but thought I would report it here as it seems to be a mistake. Thanks, -Nick
  2. S

    FTP password not working out of the blue

    For some reason my ftp password isn't working anymore when using an FTP client (filezilla)..I don't remember ever changing it or resetting it. Didn't change anything in FileZilla either. I was able to log into CPANEL with the same password (?) and went to FTP settings, was able to change the...
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    Domain question

    hello, I've searched the FAQ for this but can't find a concrete answer: If I change my DNS settings on my forwarding domain ( to x10's.. will my pages then appear as "" and so forth? Right now the URL only redirects to my x10...
  4. S

    websites down on all but 1 subdomain

    [edit] its working now..
  5. S

    database error on stoli site

    Error establishing database connetion:
  6. S

    databases gone on stoli

    my posts seem to all have vanished ( & in their place a wordpress database error--however not all of the site is gone ???
  7. S

    same problem here..also cpanel on stoli not loading

    same problem here..also cpanel on stoli not loading
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    all files/databases gone after migration - still gone after unsuspension

    My account was suspended sometime before the newest migration..upon unsuspending everything is still gone - files, databases etc. ( is the main and are the sub domains.) Thanks
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    Need some simple CSS help, will paypal you $5 :)

    Well many thanks, you saved me a lot of hassle (& added to my understanding of css).
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    Need some simple CSS help, will paypal you $5 :)

    Hero! what is your paypal address ? I will award you the $5 now.
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    Need some simple CSS help, will paypal you $5 :)

    So I put that code in the CSS & still nothing.:confused: Maybe this will shed light: the orginal css code that refers to the class that effects block header text looked like this: .art-BlockHeader .t { height: 30px; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size...
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    Need some simple CSS help, will paypal you $5 :)

    Thanks for the reply..I opened up my sidebar php file and located the class it uses, which is "t": <div class="art-BlockHeader"> <div class="l"></div> <div class="r"></div> <div class="art-header-tag-icon"> <div class="t"><?php _e('Search', 'kubrick'); ?></div> </div>...
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    Need some simple CSS help, will paypal you $5 :)

    Hello, I need some simple stupid CSS help- On the website I'm working on <removed> I need the dark blue "Block Header" in the sidebar to have white text links, while keeping the rest of the links on the sidebar/rest of the page as they are. I know this is easy but I need to just finish at this...
  14. S

    Can’t select database wordpress error

    Where does it give me the option to "Drop" users in cPanel? I only see an option to delete them
  15. S

    Can’t select database wordpress error

    I'm getting a "cant select database" error on my wordpress site. It seems others are having similar SQL problems so I tried to troubleshoot from that.. I checked my config file and it is set to 'localhost' and the database user is the same as it shows up in phpmyadmin (its bobaloui_collage) but...
  16. S

    Website database problem!

    I am also having a database error, for the first time in awhile (since the updates).
  17. S

    SQL dabases down for 3+ days (stoli)

    My Wordpress sites have been down for 3 or more days.. ( plain HTML sites not effected. I know there are upgrades from looking at the status but usually my site is never down for so long. Is it gone for good this time?
  18. S

    database error again

    Just posting for the hundredth time that my databases are down again (, and have been all day. I know this is a free service but this is honestly getting terrible, especially with the recent malware attack. How many of x10's credible users are now shouldering the burden for...
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    MySQL Databases erased!!

    This is just how x10 has been for the last month...constant database errors and recently a malware attack.
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    Internal server error on stoli - can't access SQL sites

    Getting internal server error again whenever I try to access my wordpress site: . My other sub domain loads fine (its only HTML, no SQL).