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  1. calistoy

    Plzz Delete my account !!

    Why is it a concern since the account is suspended to be terminated? You can't change the main domain anyway here since the account access is locked away.
  2. calistoy


    Unfortunately, it doesn't matter the reason why nulled scripts were uploaded to your hosting account. This is a zero tolerance violation of TOS, which means no second chances. Your account is permanently suspended.
  3. calistoy


    Your suspension is permanent. There is zero tolerance for nulled scripts.
  4. calistoy

    OXWALL Install Problem - Error 500

    If I understood you right, you couldn't change any directives before either. Php.ini is set server wide and was never accessible to any free hosting users.
  5. calistoy

    OXWALL Install Problem - Error 500

    I get an internal server error when I visit your site. Along with repairing the .htaccess file, make sure that all folders inside the public_html directory have permissions of 755 and that the php files have permissions of 644.
  6. calistoy

    Add domain

    It's already your main domain right now.
  7. calistoy

    OXWALL Install Problem - Error 500

    It looks like you've removed your script installation. Please try again.
  8. calistoy

    Prime Membership - Hosting Account Suspension

    I was unable to find a forum reply that told you that. There is never a guarantee that there will be no suspensions, not even the TOS guarantees that. Please check your site for scripts such as addons or modules that cause high resource suspensions. There are always limits to resource usage...
  9. calistoy


    As soon as you buy the premium hosting package, all you have to do afterward is send in a support ticket through the client area of and request the manual transfer of your free account to the paid one. Be sure to include all of the details of your free hosting account in that...
  10. calistoy


    Is there something wrong with your account? Just posting html code doesn't tell us anything. Please give any details pertaining to your problem.
  11. calistoy


    Your thread was answered here Please respond to it, or ask more questions if something isn't clear with the answer given to you. Otherwise, please do not make multiple threads about the same issue.
  12. calistoy

    cancel acount

    You do in fact have a cPanel username. Please log into your account panel and click to view your hosting details. Your cPanel username is listed there. Until you verify your cPanel username, we cannot fulfill your request for security reasons.
  13. calistoy


    The suspension reason says that it's permanent. There's nothing else that can be done.
  14. calistoy

    Changing my websites domain.

    Please clear your browser's cache. I can see your site just fine.
  15. calistoy

    Can not Unsuspend myself ???????

    The commands to unsuspend from the account panel are entered into a queue and that queue is possibly backed up. I just now tried to manually unsuspend you, but an error occurred. I think there is a brief problem going on. I'll keep an eye on this thread for today and keep trying to unsuspend...
  16. calistoy

    Login Failur in Hosting Account

    If you are still getting a login failure error after following the above advice, then try changing or updating your password in the Account Management Panel.
  17. calistoy


    First question: It's already been explained why you will not get your account back. It's because you uploaded and used an abusive script on your account. Livewire has already confirmed that fact. Second question: If you were having problems with your php mail, you should have asked us about...
  18. calistoy

    about account Suspended

    It's been verified that when you buy vBulletin (it is not free at all) and download it legitimately, the license number is automatically embedded into your vBulletin installation files. Your vBulletin has no license number, which means that you removed it illegally or downloaded it from an...
  19. calistoy

    Hosting error

    It looks like this issue is resolved. Your account is created, active, and there is a wordpress installed there.
  20. calistoy

    New Hosting Account

    Your hosting account is created and it looks like you've already changed the main domain. Please wait 24 hours for the new domain to sync up and be recognized by the system. During that time, please clear your browser's cache before checking if it's working yet or not.