Search results

  1. calistoy

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code 44534380)

    Your account has already been created. Go to your account panel, go to where you see that error, then click on cancel attempt to clear that error. After that, you should be able to view your hosting account details and log into your cPanel. Let us know if there are any more problems.
  2. calistoy

    Free Hosting Account Unsuspension

    You won't get your account back because it's permanently suspended. Proxies are a zero tolerance violation meaning that there are no second chances no matter how it got in your account. Your account will remain suspended until it's automatically terminated after 14 days or more.
  3. calistoy

    Unsuspend my account

    You were suspended for uploading nulled scripts. This is a permanent suspension because it's a zero tolerance violation of x10hosting's terms of service. It will remain suspended until it's automatically terminated after 14 days or more. No backups will be given.
  4. calistoy

    x10Hosting free web hosting account has been terminated

    Apparently when the termination script was running through the server your account was on, it found the active suspension and then terminated it when it found it was over 14 days old. Unresolved suspensions cause the termination of the suspended account if the suspension is over 14 days old...
  5. calistoy

    Account Suspension

    You were suspended for uploading a proxy into your hosting account. The TOS clearly forbids this. No proxies are allowed in your account. This is a permanent suspension.
  6. calistoy

    x10Hosting free web hosting account has been terminated

    Did your account panel say that your account was suspended? Possibly because of the last server moves?
  7. calistoy

    x10Hosting free web hosting account has been terminated

    I meant before your hosting account was terminated. You can't get into your cPanel now because your hosting account doesn't exist anymore. I'm asking about your suspension status before you were terminated.
  8. calistoy


    Domain nameservers:
  9. calistoy

    my first title

    Do you have a problem with your hosting account? I don't see any. If not, then this thread belongs in the introductions forum.
  10. calistoy

    Un-susspend my website!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Try going to your htaccess file and delete the redirect to the suspended page in it.
  11. calistoy

    x10Hosting free web hosting account has been terminated

    Did your account panel say you were suspended, but everything worked fine, like you could see your site and log into your cPanel?
  12. calistoy


    The CEO/owner of x10hosting himself suspended you. This is a permanent suspension. No backups will be given.
  13. calistoy

    How to get SEF URLs in Joomla working

    Rewrite Base / Type that just below RewriteEngine on. Also make sure that your files have permissions below 777.
  14. calistoy

    Please Help

    You can have a free hosting account for as long as you want. Just as long as you follow the terms of service, and remain active (logging into this forum here at least once every 31 days, no posting is required just logging in).
  15. calistoy

    Account creation error

    What username are you trying to sign up for your hosting account? I'm thinking it may be different that your forum username.
  16. calistoy

    please help

    You're going to have be clearer about your problem. What are you doing when this happens and where does the message show up? Give us some more information so that we can help.
  17. calistoy

    please help

    What problems are you having with setting it up?
  18. calistoy

    hosting section closed

    Your account is terminated. I don't see any hosting account for tremblou62 or tremblou. Your browser is probably viewing a cached version of your site. The site itself is no longer online. As for activity, no. I've already told you the only thing that counts as activity, and that is logging...
  19. calistoy

    suspension due to crude proxy

    Proxies are clearly forbidden as outlined in x10hosting's TOS. Your account is permanently suspended as this is a zero tolerance violation of TOS.
  20. calistoy

    How to get SEF URLs in Joomla working

    Set Rewrite Base / at the top of your htaccess file. Post back if this works.