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  1. cybrax

    Turn Off Php Errors

    error_reporting(0); Add the above line of code to all scripts, this will turn off ALL error reporting. For other more specific versions of this command see You are getting the error because the servers now run PHP version 5.3 and some commands are in the process of being 'Deprecated' ...
  2. cybrax

    how do i upload tv shows faster?

    Legal issues like copyright aside for moment.. unless the show is in Public Domain like those at the Internet Archive How big is the file that you are trying to upload? A video file say flash for example properly compressed will allow a two hour movie to be reduced to between 300 and 600Mb in...
  3. cybrax

    Best alternative to Flash?

    There's some good examples of jQuery animating jpeg images and the new html5 canvas commands are also worth a look, whilst not a perfect alternative it's the best thre is for now and should be a bit more future proof than flash
  4. cybrax

    What on earth did you include on your to get a C&D notice ?

    What on earth did you include on your to get a C&D notice ?
  5. cybrax

    isnt this just weird.. for a hosting company?

    Don't tease the Lions
  6. cybrax

    Facebook blacklist: X10 hosting!

    There's an old saying about the Gods must like idiots, because they make so many of them. Those who attempt to run proxy scripts, mass mailers, file sharing services, phishing sites and perform other neferious doings on the servers here are swiftly identified judging by the 'suspended' area of...
  7. cybrax

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE

    Thanks for that mission, it all helps.
  8. cybrax

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE

    Give this a try and where ever else you have put a $php variable into an mySQL query Not sure kills+1 is going to work either, work it out before then assign to a variable "UPDATE users SET kills = kills + 1 WHERE username = ' " . $gangsterusername . " ')"
  9. cybrax

    Favorite Free Cloud Service?

    I've got three sites running inside the Google App Engine, very useful for moving mash-up data around the web;)
  10. cybrax

    UserNames With Numbers

    Why do so many users have numbers after their name? Have they no sense of self, no personal image of themselves and cannot create a unique name? Maybe it's just being lazy, or are they more likely to be a spammer keeping track of multiple accounts? What are your thoughts?
  11. cybrax

    My new site is

    That's odd because the Asernatan Translation Bureau is at the same address and has the same company registration number as does SecretayOnline...
  12. cybrax

    What is the best way to get traffics?

    Signature tagging in forums where posibble is a good place to start and where you cannot do that try and work a link for your site any into any answer you post a reply. I had a similiar problem on my website and solved it by doing this...insert answer or I have a full tutorial /...
  13. cybrax

    PHP setcookie() does not set cookie !

    $expire = time()+3600; // 1 hour expiry $value = "cookie value - string or interger"; setcookie("cookie_name", $value, $expire,"/", "", 0); Give the above code a try, and replace with your own websites name. Now that you are working on a shared server you...
  14. cybrax

    Will any of you upgrade to Windows 8 when it's out next year?

    Are Micro$oft buying shares in screen wipes I wonder?
  15. cybrax

    Conspiracies -argue your butt of

    Colours are a little hard on the eyes and the plural of 'Conspiracy' is 'Conspiracies' not conspiracys (English is a wierd language)
  16. cybrax

    911 (murdered by the government)

    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? Aluminum (used in aircraft construction) melts at roughly 659 °C Steel Girders (used for making the towers ) melts around 1500 °C A pool of Jet Fuel burns at just 315 °C (lots of smoke orange...
  17. cybrax

    Curiosity Question: MySQL Size Limit Unlimited?

    MySQL Size Limit Unlimited As it would be very naive to assume that actually means what it says, what are the limits of X10's goodwill regarding database size?
  18. cybrax

    911 (murdered by the government)

    If you ask any conventional demolition expert they will say it takes weeks of preperations to drop a building flat like this. Some theories have been put forward that the towers were orginally built or retrofitted after the 1991 attack with features that would prevent the tower from toppling...
  19. cybrax

    Difference between personal use and commercial use?

    You're not going to like this... the technical definition for a commercial website is that you either... a: sell or provide a service in exhchange for money b: derive revenue (get paid) in whole or part from advertising That last one is obviously a real gonad kicker, thankfully as few of us...
  20. cybrax

    who is COMPUTER Engineer here

    I repair computers that I find in dumpsters.