Please paste the following text in (do not omit any; paste the whole form), filling in all of the relevant details, and someone will then set your account for deletion after a 14 day waiting period:
Remember to place the X inside the parentheses and your cPanel username where indicated.
There's no need to create an additional FTP account. You can use your cPanel username as the username, your cPanel password as the password, and your server's address/IP as the host.
The inactivity rule is there for a reason-to help keep accounts that are not being used from taking up resources on our servers. The 31 day limit is very generous already. It takes about 5 minutes to log in out of 44,000 odd in 31 days. It's not that much to ask in exchange for a 100% free...
The only way someone could have modified a file is via cPanel or FTP. You should check the security of your passwords etc., as the servers have not been breached.
The resource monitoring system generally looks after CPU usage. 300 seconds of CPU time per hour is permitted. Accounts exceeding this limit are redirected to the resource usage page for 1 hour.
Our nameservers are and For future reference many common questions are answered on our wiki.
In future, please check the Wiki and FAQ before opening a ticket.
Please paste the following text in (do not omit any; paste the whole form), filling in all of the relevant details, and someone will then set your account for deletion after a 14 day waiting period:
Remember to place the X inside the parentheses and your cPanel username where indicated.
Please see:
Are you using 500MB of your current restricted amount?
The signup queue is automated. You'll just have to wait for it to be processed. There is no set time, it depends on the number of waiting requests before yours.