Search results

  1. Jennacide

    Newbie here grateful if you can review My Site.

    You know, I'm really liking this, it's simple yet it works. The page flows and I can easily navigate without much worry. Keep up the good work!
  2. Jennacide

    Answer with question??

    The way of the dodo? <~~~~ ha it is a question! cha!
  3. Jennacide

    Answer with question??

    no no no... you're doing it all wrong... it's why aren't I a gangster =P *giggles*
  4. Jennacide

    The best free hosting?

    oh oh oh oh... I could use a job!!! me me me me... pick me! LOL
  5. Jennacide

    Need suggestion for my website

    I'm sorry... totally turned off by that right there... As it's been stated already, it totally reminds me of some late night infomercial site especially with the design of the banner and the money graphic...
  6. Jennacide

    Design/layout criticism of portfolio

    Simplicity is typically a good thing... unfortunately, this is far too simple IMHO... That being said, using paragraph tags to create that buffer between posts always helps, or perhaps divs? I didn't look at the code but space between those posts can help on the eyes a TON! It couldn't hurt to...
  7. Jennacide

    The best free hosting?

    pfffft, whatevs, you've only been here for 5 years, sheesh =P *giggles*
  8. Jennacide

    review my catalogue site

    What can I say, I'm a Joomla addict so yeah, it's hella nice! ;P can't wait to see what it ends up like after it's done! Nice work =)
  9. Jennacide

    Games with a good storyline

    OMG! I soooooo felt the same way! I played through BOps and when I was done... I was like, huh... it was oooohhhhkay but it was no Modern Warfare *giggles*
  10. Jennacide

    What do you think of my website?

    Is this your first site? If so you've already blown mine out of the water LOL. But yeah, designing is addictive... like electronic crack or something ROFL. But yeah, keep at it, check out other sites, look at their code but please don't ever, ever steal, I'm only suggesting that as it helped me...
  11. Jennacide

    Tips on making game site more attractive

    My advice is to go out and look at other game sites. Get ideas from them but don't steal em naturally ;P There's nothing wrong with gaining inspiration from other sites and sides, it's kinda fun too hehe.
  12. Jennacide


    hahahaha welcome aboard Jajay!!!! we're happy to have ya ;P
  13. Jennacide

    help me to diagonose the issue.

    You might want to consider nabbing a copy of this which will allow you (if it's not hardware and actually is software), to help diagnose your issue as the distro loads in the computer's ram instead of the computer itself. It's a great way to get around a lot of issues like this. I hope it...
  14. Jennacide

    My GAMING website

    I'd be very careful about which "games" you wish to upload. x10 has a very strict TOS that they DO enforce. My suggestion, if you're unsure as to whether or not those games are legal, just error on the side of safety and not do it. Just my two cents is all...
  15. Jennacide

    The best free hosting?

    You're here aren't ya? =P I've searched high and low, tried several services and frankly, x10 is the BEST that I've uncovered.
  16. Jennacide

    Games with a good storyline

    Both ;P I still haven't played Reach, but I'd like to... But yeah, both of those titles have really awesome storylines for the single player mode.
  17. Jennacide

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company?

    Perfect World Entertainment ;P
  18. Jennacide

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    What's the best anti-virus? I'll tell you... QUIT SURFING PR0N! You can have the world's most deadly computer virus on your machine and until you actually "activate" it, it's absolutely harmless... try to keep that in mind. *smiles*
  19. Jennacide

    Games with a good storyline

    Yup, what he said ;P
  20. Jennacide

    Answer with question??

    What is, a can filled with a mysterious meat-like substance? *giggles*