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  1. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Here is what Cloud Flare has to say about the issue. Jeremy Meeks (CloudFlare) Jun 30 07:07 PM Hello, Your CloudFlare account status is currently active, however your site is not currently going through us. It looks like you are signed up with us through one of our hosting partners...
  2. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    that cloudflare thing is screwed up like channel 4 ;( whatever, i really wouldnt want anything to work right.
  3. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Well this is interesting :) i just got this from Cloud Flare which would indicate to me at least, that im signed up, but>>> as you can see my site is not running Cloud Flare, according to X10 Cpanel. So which is it, The Cihicken or the Egg ?? Congratulations! You have successfully created a...
  4. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    Thanks for the noble effort Dead-i but its not fixed. here is what i get, which is wrong, because cloud flare has never worked since the big change, and all i could ever get since then is a quick redirect back to the CPanel...
  5. aquariu5

    Will it ever be fixed ??

    :) Will the cloudflare button in Cpanel ever be made to work ?? im kinda on the fence whether it helps or not, seems my site runs pretty well without it, but maybe with cloudflare enabled, my site would be so fast i couldnt keep up. What are your thoughts ?? (Staff answers please)
  6. aquariu5

    Why ??

    Thanks for that help. I reinstalled my browser, and that fixed it, also my favicon works now :)
  7. aquariu5

    Why ??

    My URL is shown as forum/index.php instead of why is that and can it be changed ??
  8. aquariu5


    Same issue here. Does X10 recommend using Cloud Flare ??
  9. aquariu5

    Seems my site is slow

    Thanks for taking the time to reply so quickly, it seems ok now to me also. Did you kick the server :lol:
  10. aquariu5

    Seems my site is slow

    compared to other sites, especially those that provide cloud flare, my site seems to run pretty slow. Is there anyway i can improve the speed here. ?