Search results

  1. kkenny


    Can I have a URL to show me what you are talking about?
  2. kkenny

    Wordpress help?

    You do this via the registar you registered your domain with.
  3. kkenny

    Online Radio On X10Hosting

    You need to buy a VPS, using a service called shoutcast. :/
  4. kkenny

    McCAIN Vs. Obama

    I'm now for any person who opposes OffShore Drilling. And as of this moment, it's Obama.
  5. kkenny

    What do you spend?

    I'm not sure about the exact percentages. But my $$$ goes into: - Cell Phone Bill - Car Insurance - Clothes - Presents for other people - School supplies - Shoeees! - and the rest goes into a savings account.
  6. kkenny

    Big problem

    No offense, but if you really have no friends, that may be a sign that your on the computer too much, and not socializing enough. Just a life symptom.
  7. kkenny

    Funny Picture Thread

    It's called the magic of internet!
  8. kkenny

    Never seen before! Unbelievable

    woahwoahwoah. nice find!
  9. kkenny

    Browsing history to determine your gender

    Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 52% Likelihood of you being MALE is 48% They can't find my gender can they.
  10. kkenny

    Hiring gaming Moderator.

    Any benefits to the job?
  11. kkenny

    Which adds-on do you like best?

    FF3 is too resource heavy. Plugin-Less ftw!
  12. kkenny

    How old are x10Hosting members?

    Happy very awkwardly late birthday!
  13. kkenny

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Haha. Nice spam mail :]
  14. kkenny


    Theirs quite a few generators to make headers if you look for them on google.