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  1. Bryon

    another account suspended thread.

    Any problems with unsuspensions should be resolved at this time. If you are continuing to have issues please let us know.
  2. Bryon

    stuck in account setup

    Hi Izzie, We have a client account set up with the email address I am assuming that this is your account. How can you not complete the sign-up process? Are you receiving an error?
  3. Bryon

    I want adomain new main

    You can do this through the account panel located at
  4. Bryon

    Yet another suspension

    Hi Kazemir, I have unsuspended your account. You should have received an email stating this, and it should be displayed within the account panel. Let us know if you have any further questions. -Bryon
  5. Bryon

    Account Suspended, No access to CPanel or Account.

    Hi Paul, You should be able to access the account panel using the exact same login information that you are using here on the forums. Use the email address under your forum account (paul.bod****, or your forum username (paulb). Use your forum account password for the password. If you...
  6. Bryon

    Account Suspended (carry on from last topic)

    We suspend a lot of people for bad bad things. We can't just unsuspend everyone. Automatic unsuspensions will be back veryyy soon now.
  7. Bryon

    slight difficulties

    Bankimoon: It should be resolved for you now. Kevin1gamer: Let us know the error code that it displays.
  8. Bryon

    Account Suspended (carry on from last topic)

    We're working out some bugs from the migration to new systems, one of them suspension information is all over the place. Should be fixed relatively soon!
  9. Bryon

    Problem accessing ACCOUNT PANEL and SUPPORT PANEL

    It will be back soon for all users.
  10. Bryon

    [In Progress] Website still down after server move

    Your cPanel account is fine, I just logged into it. Username: mla URL: If your password is not working reset it through the account panel.
  11. Bryon

    cPanel + Site won't load.

    Chopin is online, both cPanel and HTTP.
  12. Bryon


  13. Bryon

    How can I turn off display_errors using .htaccess

    We have PHP installed as a CGI binary across all of our servers. Any mod_php* specific Apache directives will not work.
  14. Bryon

    Testing !

  15. Bryon

    Great Success Page "This site is under contruction. It is a personal testing site to develope web applications and to improve my scripting skills" / "Google Nexus One smartphone launched."
  16. Bryon

    It didn't work.

  17. Bryon

    Extract action not working. Throwing error.

    This has been resolved.
  18. Bryon

    Cant Extract :( [cPanel File Manager]

    This has been resolved.
  19. Bryon

    Can't extract in cpanel ftp client

    Hi Jamfresh, I have just resolved the problem.
  20. Bryon

    Cant Extract :( [cPanel File Manager]

    It's a problem with some changes we made last week. We'll look into it soon and get it resolved.