Search results

  1. cybrax

    Osama Bin Laden is dead!

    There is NO proof that this former CIA asset was has been killed, though he probably has been. After all the last thing the US governement wants is this guy in court giving his version of events. BTW: Dropping off the grid does not require the co-operation of a nations people or it's government...
  2. cybrax

    PRime vs. Free Membership

    Every dollar you spend improves Brandon's chance of getting a decent haircut.
  3. cybrax

    Gimp vs photoshop

    Just out of curiosity... A question for all those in favour of Photoshop.. Did you pay for it or download a cracked copy?
  4. cybrax

    BackTrack 3/4 Linux Distro

    For those completely new to linux Backtrack is NOT for you. Should also point out that in some countries merely being in possesion of a copy can land you in prison. If you do want to find out what the fuss is about Linux, particulary how fast it works compared to windoze then download a copy of...
  5. cybrax

    Yet another review my site.

    One common problem that many designers coming from a graphical enviroment into the bloody areana that is web design are often unaware that search engines have no eyes. So if you are intending to use a fancy font on a webpage anywhere execpt the main logo image then you need to look at CSS font...
  6. cybrax

    Is that Normal ?! Or it's due to my connection ?!

    It's one of the little quirks common to all free web hosting providers, more so at X10 because of it's popularity. At times of peak demand the servers cannot keep up so websites are queing for data. Sadly not much can be done from the webmasters point of view short of upgrading to premium paid...
  7. cybrax

    The best mobile operating system...

    Am becoming rapidly impressed with the droid particulary so with the fact that it can double up as a simple HTML webserver. Sadly no server side scripting capability as of yet, but give it time after all it is based on a linux kernal. Those fortunate enough to have a Nexus One can actually run...
  8. cybrax

    New site - Review?

    Are you getting much passing traffic? Rebecca Black is an American teen pop singer who gained worldwide notoriety with her 2011 single "Friday" through the record label ARK Music Factory. The song received negative critical response, with many music critics and viewers dubbing it "the worst...
  9. cybrax

    Ethical Scraping?

    Sage advice and yes the intial premise is a little hokey. Personally I would of just asked if the content could be borrowed. So I asked for details, the logic behind the idea was that the scraped site would never press charges because in order to do so would involve them having to appear in...
  10. cybrax

    will machines terminte man's role in war

    Ummm.. who do you think those machines will be shooting at?
  11. cybrax

    Hi I'm Jay and I'm an alcoh--- oops wrong forum lol!!

    Welcome to the asylum Jay... buckles not to tight on the jacket?
  12. cybrax

    Ethical Scraping?

    Friend of mine came to me with an idea for a movie revue website, nothing odd about that. However they had a small twist in mind.. As real members would be few to begin with the idea was to scrape users comments about movies from another website. The website they had in mind being one the...
  13. cybrax

    Php script for contact form

    If in doubt Google about! You are not the first newbie looking for help so many of your questions have been answered allready. Just cut and paste the script below into a webpage called contact.php, and add your own email and website details. <?php // OPTIONS - PLEASE CONFIGURE THESE...
  14. cybrax

    Review my site

    Overall pretty good and age loading time is acceptable. I do think the site search box could be better labled, perhaps even repositioned a little higher up away from the navigation menu.
  15. cybrax

    help me improve plz

    Some good designs in there, have you considered taking part in the free to enter competitions over at The cash prizes are not huge but it's a start and the kudos goes a long way, plus lots of help and support from other professionals and talented amateurs.
  16. cybrax

    Need Review On Adsense Site

    Yes, if you copy text/images from another website WITHOUT permission you risk getting a "Google AdSense DMCA Notice" if the owner of the original content complains. Never had one myself but from what I understand failure to comply will result in google suspending the account. This is why...
  17. cybrax

    Building a site to sell virtual/digital products

    Have you looked at ?
  18. cybrax

    Need Review On Adsense Site

    Don't take the comments to heart Flipperman, have banged out more than a few similiar sites myself over the years. Many, if not all of them are bloody awful compared to yours. Writing content is a problem for any website starting up because you're bogged down trying to design and code as well...
  19. cybrax

    Check out my sites!!

    Any article that contains the word 'hacking' should be about prevention of the exploit rather than detailed instructions how to... of course that's just my opinion, your web hosting provider may also have somehing to say on the matter as well.
  20. cybrax

    Need Review On Adsense Site

    Adsense Site: a site that exists solely as a place to hang adverts. Little or no original content. Sometimes used for SEO providing backlinks to promote another site. Navigation is poor and there is no consistant layout theme Content... where money is involved people want facts and figures...