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  1. masshuu

    My account is suspended?

    While it may not be a phishing site, it looks like you copied a page from facebook. Why would you think this is ok?
  2. masshuu

    open my account

    You were suspended for not having a licence in your files for vBulletin. If you can provide one that is valid for the domain, you can be unsuspended.
  3. masshuu

    Upcoming Free Hosting Change

    In terms of websites, accounts and cpanel, there should be no change. The main reason for these changes will be performance. cPanel will always be there, as the key feature of x10 is its use of cPanel.
  4. masshuu

    Internal Server Error

    a .htaccess is a plain text file. You can copy and paste the line i gave you in notepad, upload it, then rename it to .htaccess
  5. masshuu


    I have unsuspended you. If you run any cache or SEO plugins, i would recommend disabling them
  6. masshuu

    domaine name

    Hello, I need to escalate this so an admin can deal with this. You should see a yellow bar at the top of the forums that will link you to the ticket.
  7. masshuu

    Adding Domain Problem

    Hello, I need to escalate this so an admin can deal with this. You should see a yellow bar at the top of the forums that will link you to the ticket.
  8. masshuu


    Hello, I need to escalate this so an admin can deal with this. You should see a yellow bar at the top of the forums that will link you to the ticket.
  9. masshuu

    help me please admin

    You need to read the rules before you signup. You checked a checkbox that says you agreed to them. Even though it is your first time here, we have zero tolerance for publicly accessible forgeable email scripts as if they are abused, they hurt the servers reputation.
  10. masshuu

    My website won't come up.

    It is loading up for me, i see a SMF installer page. Can you try now? If not, are you behind any firewalls? Many companies/schools/large firewalls(including chinas) block our Free server's IPs. If you are not sure, open a terminal or command propmpt(on windows press Windows key then R, then type...
  11. masshuu

    unable to access cpanel

    It sounds like theres a firewall that is either filtering http traffic or non standard http ports. How are you connected to the internet? If this is a home/wireless what is your ISP
  12. masshuu

    Internal Server Error

    i renamed it to .htaccess.disabled i would suggest just creating a new file
  13. masshuu

    How do I download a backup of my public_html file from cPanel?

    There is a guide that can be found here: In this case you would browse to the public_html folder or just select it when you are in your home directory.
  14. masshuu

    Internal Server Error

    Yes. I renamed the .htaccess file to disable it. That is not how a .htaccess file is used. If you wish to setup a custom 404 error page, put this into a .htaccess file ErrorDocument 404 /404.html then put your error page in a file called 404.html
  15. masshuu

    Unsuspension of my hosting account

    Hello, you were suspended for resource usage. I have unsuspended you. Many plugins for wordpress use allot of CPU or RAM and can cause a high resource usage suspension. I would recommend disabling super cache and any SEO plugins.
  16. masshuu

    unable to access cpanel

    Can you try now? If not, are you behind any firewalls? Many companies/schools/large firewalls(including chinas) block our Free server's IPs. If you are not sure, open a terminal or command propmpt(on windows press Windows key then R, then type cmd) and type ping
  17. masshuu

    ERROR 500 Server

    First of all, i noticed you have no index.php file. this is causing a redirect loop with your .htaccess settings. Second, all php files must be 644 or 755 and all directories must be 755. Anything else will produce errors as it either poses a security threat for your account or the webserver...
  18. masshuu

    Filezilla Problem

    First question, are you using the latest version of filezilla(if not i would recommend downloading it)? Is it continuously or once in a while. If you wait an hour and try again, does it still produce errors?
  19. masshuu

    500 Internal Server Error

    PHP files cannot be 777. They need to be 644. anything else will produce errors. I have adjusted the file permissions.
  20. masshuu

    Now your avatar is

    From the 1800's DRESS THEM APPROPRIATELY. Mine is upper class, tophat and monocle!!!!!