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  1. ichwar

    Count to 200

    Re: Count to 50 45 when doubled makes 90! How would you like to be 90?
  2. ichwar

    The Ctrl+V game
  3. ichwar

    Wanna meet my friend named Joe?

    And one day.
  4. ichwar

    Guess Who Posts Next

    yes I guess someone who likes using emoticons. ;) :) :eek4: :rant: :laugh: :biggrin: :mad:
  5. ichwar

    game: kill the above user

    But I am actually just you dressed up as me, so you shoot alex and yourself. I survive!
  6. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  7. ichwar

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I come up and shove you from behind so that you fall into the big crater of wet cement and sink all the way to the bottom. The cement then turns to rock!
  8. ichwar

    1000th post party

    Sounds good. We all need to spend more time rejoicing and partying! ;)
  9. ichwar

    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    Lol, everyone and his brother I talk to is hosting one of those parties. I think all microsoft is doing is losing potential customers by giving out so many free copies. How many people are you going to have at your party? Most people I know who are doing this are barely scrounging up the minimum...
  10. ichwar

    How much RAM do you have?

    Yes. My old 1 GB of ddr ram was faster with openSuse than my current 4 GB of ddr3 is with windows vista. Quite amazing! :)
  11. ichwar

    How fast is your processor?

    I'm trying to devirus a p4 right here. And I'm realizing that I've quite forgotten how slow these things run. :|
  12. ichwar

    Count to 1 Million

  13. ichwar

    Word Association

    man (hangman)
  14. ichwar

    Count to 200

    Re: Count to 50 43 is older! I don't think it's a bad thing to be old either. My best friends are in their 50s 60s and 70s. And no, I'm not like them (yet.)
  15. ichwar

    1000th post party

    No, several others have done this too. Also, some people have gone so far as to start a thread to celebrate reaching 500 posts!
  16. ichwar

    Count to 1 Million

    1694 So do I. Let's petition corey to remove it.
  17. ichwar

    Wanna meet my friend named Joe?

    Where do you work? ??? <-- There's my fancy image! :D
  18. ichwar

    Count to 200

    Re: Count to 50 41 is an age that way in the future for me. Is that good or bad? ;/
  19. ichwar

    What the above Person Deserves!!!

    Wow, so I don't deserve anything? :( Ok, you don't deserve anything then either, (except an infraction for not following the rules).
  20. ichwar

    HTML Popup-like with previous page as background

    I think the effect you want can be accomplished with a little bit of javasrcipting. But I don't know enough about js to tell you how to do it. I would just advise to stay away from silverlight because as far as I know, it is windows only.