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  1. diabolo


    you were suspended for account inactivity. you are required to log into the forums atleast every 2 weeks. You can un-suspended yourself here
  2. diabolo

    java script

    what exactly are you looking for?
  3. diabolo


    well i see that you have already found the post but just for other as an fyi, if you click on the blue arrow it will take you to the exact post
  4. diabolo

    Unable to Login into Account System

    once you are suspended after 14 days of not logging in you have 10 days to reactivate it, after those 10 days are up, you're account is scheduled for deletion there is no turning back.
  5. diabolo


    You were suspended for high system resources. You may either have a cron job that runs more than ever 5 minutes or You have a script that uses an excessive amount of memory.
  6. diabolo


    well according to Corey there should be: and your domain should have been added to the system. It may have to do something with the new cPanel update, I'm not even 50% sure of this, it is just a guess.
  7. diabolo

    My URL

    I just tried your site and everything works fine. did you update it?
  8. diabolo

    JS used in this forum

    the ones on the left and right is actually just one, and when you go on the left, it will appear where your mouse is, when it is on the left, it will appear where your mouse is im not sure what you mean by 2 on the top though.
  9. diabolo

    Similar Post Feature

    also: i have noticed at the bottom there is a little "Similar Threads" widget. so if we could just take that code, and implement it with the AJAX, and some tweaks, I think its all good. =]
  10. diabolo

    anyone good at css ?

    try: * { margin: 0 auto; }
  11. diabolo

    Premium Hosting

    correction: its $20/year
  12. diabolo

    Similar Post Feature

    I think we should add this feature to the forums. If anyone has used StackOverflow, you should know what I'm talking about. Its when you are typing into the "Title" for a new topic, that any similar topics are display below, in an AJAX type of way. (picture the google suggest like search) I...
  13. diabolo

    My URL

    well if you want users to see the forum when the first hit the site, you can relocate all the files of the forum folder into the main "public_html" folder, this will also solve the "ugly" url problem you have. when you do that, you also might need to fix some config files, depending on your...
  14. diabolo

    I keep getting this error

    from garrettroyce:
  15. diabolo

    reset my cp pw under account options, there is reset cPanel password
  16. diabolo


    from garrettroyce:
  17. diabolo

    ERR47025 after confirmation

    from garrettroyce:
  18. diabolo

    Suspended because of proxy

    no there is not.
  19. diabolo

    The error code provided is: ERRF47025

    from garrettroyce:
  20. diabolo

    Help With Creating a CMS

    he isn;t trying to reinvent the wheel, more like modifying the wooden wheel to a rubber wheel to make the ride more smoother he wants to modify a CMS to his needs, to make it appear like basilmarket, and some of the modifications may require some programming, which is what he wants.