Search results

  1. masshuu

    I cant visit my site

    Your site works just fine for me. If your still having the issue then post back here.
  2. masshuu

    what's wrong with this mysql command ?

    Is the user added to the database in cpanel? All i can offer is to make a simple php script and check if the login details in fact do work.
  3. masshuu

    FTP Error

    The changes are still in the system. you may need to go here and see if they failed or not:
  4. masshuu


    I will escalate this so an admin can tell you what file triggered the suspension and possibly resolve the issue.
  5. masshuu

    Unable to access website, and website slowdown.

    Your site is working just fine now. There may have been an issue with starka(the server you are on) earlier but it looks resolved now.
  6. masshuu

    site offline?

    Your site is working just fine now. There may have been an issue with starka(the server you are on) earlier but it looks resolved now.
  7. masshuu

    Starka being slow ?

    Your site is working just fine now. There may have been an issue with starka(the server you are on) earlier but it looks resolved now.
  8. masshuu

    The site down on hosting server "starka"

    Your site is working just fine now. There may have been an issue with starka earlier but it looks resolved now.
  9. masshuu

    How can I block the bad guys ????

    I found a post online that looks like it will work. RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^111.222.333 [OR] RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^111.222.444 [OR] RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^111.222.333.444 [OR] RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^ RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F]
  10. masshuu

    Starka the Snail

    Your site is up and working just fine for me. Very fast and I don't see any errors or issues. The servers tend to receive allot of abuse which may cause speed issues sometimes. This just comes with the territory and any large free hosting tends to have this issue. Additionally, the free servers...
  11. masshuu

    Activation email not received

    Did you check your spam or bulk folder?
  12. masshuu

    FTP from Dreamweaver

    Simply use the following details: url: username: your cpanel password: your cpanel password
  13. masshuu

    Delete parked domain?

    If its not listed in cpanel then i will need to escalate the ticket.
  14. masshuu

    Recently changed main domain.

    Changes are not instant. When you submit a main domain change, it can take a few minutes to a few hours. If you need to try another url for ftp, try this:
  15. masshuu

    Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his credit level

    yeah yeah Mr 13k credits. I'm gonna go try to double my credits in roulette. At one point i had +800 credits, then i got stupid and lost those.
  16. masshuu

    Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his credit level

    Its over 9000! So many credits, what should i do with em :/
  17. masshuu

    Demo panel for premium

    lower transfer rate? Like the amount of money each charges on the transaction? I think in that case the credit card would be lower
  18. masshuu

    Catch-All Email Forwarding

    your going to need to use a third party service like google apps.
  19. masshuu


    It appears you were suspended due to marking emails from x10 as Spam. This disrupts the service as other users don't receive emails like activation emails when they sign up.
  20. masshuu

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get a 100 car pileup I insert a Bunny