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  1. farscapeone

    MY latest Experiment with web-designing and scripting

    I can't review the layout cos there is not layout. Only suggestion will be that you ether change that purple header or it's dark gray shadow cos they don't match ... in any case make the shadow a little smaller. Content is good and a little bit funny but there's one problem. There's too much...
  2. farscapeone

    Please review my site

    First thing that people usually see on any new web site they visit is home page. That's why web designers (like myself) when charging sites per page always charge more for home page. Having that in mind I can't say you did a good job. Header First of all your header is far from perfect...
  3. farscapeone

    My First Site

    No problem, that's why I'm here for :) If you need some more inspiration there are a lot of great sites that can help you. My personal favorites are:
  4. farscapeone

    Please vote for us joomla day

    You got only one from me at the moment :) One more proof that x10 has the best community forum :)
  5. farscapeone

    Please review my site for the following points

    FF said: "Connection Interrupted The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again." Downtime maybe :dunno:
  6. farscapeone

    My First Site

    It's far form profession portfolio. You have to do much better then that to attract clients. This is how I imagine web/graphic design portfolio site: ... and so on.
  7. farscapeone

    What is the best and easiest webdesign software?

    Man, even their own site terrible. It's a school example of how it should not be done. And you actually have to pay for it :nuts: When I see something like this it makes me proud to be an expensive web designer :thefinger
  8. farscapeone

    Just need an overview of this site.

  9. farscapeone

    Uploading Images to my Site

    Simply, yes.
  10. farscapeone

    Just need an overview of this site.

    First of all, why on earth did you used images instead of text :nuts: It may look good with custom font and exactly how you planed it but no search engine can read that and images are too heavy (in terms of KB). I don't have to remind you that some people tend to turn images of when they expect...
  11. farscapeone

    Great Host

    Downtime is part of every free host (and many paid ones) but I assure you you won't find better free host then x10. Believe me I tried. I spend months trying other free hosts until I found 10x.
  12. farscapeone

    WTF? - Walmart refuses sale

    This is exactly why most of the people are not god businessmen. You can't think like that and expect to have a big business.
  13. farscapeone

    WTF? - Walmart refuses sale

    I agree.
  14. farscapeone

    Hey guys!

    For good sake people read the TOS or search the forum before posting useless posts. YOU DON'T HAVE TO POST EVERY TWO WEEKS, YOU JUST HAVE TO LOG IN!
  15. farscapeone

    Please Review

    I don't want to make a tutorial about it cos people did that looong time before :) I'll just tell you where to look. First try some pure JS and already made solutions. If it don't work out I recommend using one of the great JS...
  16. farscapeone

    WTF? - Walmart refuses sale

    We don't have that kind of problems where I live. Here anyone (and I mean ANYONE) can buy whatever they like. Sure there's a law against it but nobody care about it :) For me it's kind a stupid. I mean you go to a store to buy some groceries and your minor sun comes with you. Then you...
  17. farscapeone

    Review- , a web related blog

    You posted this on Graphics & Webdesign too so I'll just copy my review from there :) It's OK (the design). Some minor changes would make it a bit better. Navigation menu - font is too small - it would look much more fluid without separators (black lines) between menu buttons...
  18. farscapeone

    Please Review

    He used Flash but that's not necessary cos you can do that wit jQuery or other JavaScript framework.
  19. farscapeone

    My first wordpress theme

    It's OK (the design). Some minor changes would make it a bit better. Navigation menu - font is too small - it would look much more fluid without separators (black lines) between menu buttons Overall layout Layout should be a little bit wider. Wides screen monitors are becoming more...
  20. farscapeone

    Where are you from?

    I do :biggrin: cos I'm from Srbija (Serbia).