If you would be so kind as to review the look and feel of this web:
A spell check would be nice, as I've been through the pages from a polar bear in a blizzard with his nose in the snow to the stone-face look of backgrounds.
The site is still under construction and the No. 42 & 43 page(s) still need urls attached and content placed. Yes, I know the some of the existing url's are not covering the assumed link (some might say, alignment), but staying on top of things is what it's all about, right.
Okay, I'm ready, both barrels at once - hit me with your best!
A spell check would be nice, as I've been through the pages from a polar bear in a blizzard with his nose in the snow to the stone-face look of backgrounds.
The site is still under construction and the No. 42 & 43 page(s) still need urls attached and content placed. Yes, I know the some of the existing url's are not covering the assumed link (some might say, alignment), but staying on top of things is what it's all about, right.
Okay, I'm ready, both barrels at once - hit me with your best!