I'll do it for free. Courtesy of ExchangeCore. Will be done pronto.
I'll make two. One for darker backgrounds and one for lighter.
Your request is finished:
You may get your logos with the links below. The white version of the logo is not visible due to it being on a white page. It looks much...
Simple, but if you're clever enough, it might be smart to add a few things, maybe like a halo3 wallpaper that suits your design. (Maybe the one that looked like it was sketched and sort of red-ish.) Might wan to add a wallpaper to the logo as well, to add a bit more texture to the tequila.
Dreamweaver Cs4 has a very large update on the LiveView, and has a few more coding updates and whatnot. Thats just about it. Photoshop CS4, if you're interested, really only added a few more doo-dads and added the 3D image editor.
Nice, but not extraordinary. Fairly simple layout, with something very weird going on with the background. I really never was a fan of pattern backgrounds, but it does go, but it seems a bit too light to go with the rest of the template. The gloss on the things such as "recent posts" (the bar)...
Very simple, but too simple to say the least. Needs more graphics, and perhaps better fonts. The logo is very blurry, and usually, you do not want to have your entire logo as your favicon, usually you just want the main symbols there and what not.
Made this for Christopher. I'm a admin of one of his sites, ExchangeCore, and I help with graphic requests and so forth. We offer free premium, customized GFX at EC, so stop on by: http://exchangecore.com
Image Link: http://flux-designs.net/christopher/small.png
Hey Brandon. If you never come out of that realm you live in, I wanna say goodbye. Never knew that you quit until a few days ago. Heard the situation and will not get into details here. If you ever need some graphics, call me up on Exchangecore.com or on MSN. You've got my email. Good luck.
The credits were not needed, but thank you anyways. If you are interested, I could make you a genuine free template (customized to your needs) @ ExchangeCore.com
May be offtopic, but it will help you if you plan on upgrading.
Too simple. Try using a more complex theme and get rid of that horrid papyrus font. Looks very cluttered and unprofessional. 4.5/10.
-JuniorD, Lead Graphics Organizer and Designer/Site Administrator