Search results

  1. Brandon

    Blue Shine Hosting Template [BASIC]

    It's fine here as he is asking for a web design review. Looks good, 7/10. It's just not 'modern' enough for my liking, but other people may have a different term of what 'modern' means.
  2. Brandon


    There is actually a problem were it randomly bans people. Just post your username here if you are and I will fix it. It's in the plans to bring it back, but first we need to get the new x10Hosting site and backend system running completely.
  3. Brandon

    Big-C What's Pimpin?

    Big-C What's Pimpin?
  4. Brandon

    Important Poll - Sort of

    Rap! If you couldn't tell:
  5. Brandon

    mysqli not available

    There will be some errors as we are re-compiling the services on our servers.
  6. Brandon

    Overall Updates

    I've been helping too:)!
  7. Brandon

    Error in cPanel

    This is from an Apache recompile. It should be solved shortly.
  8. Brandon

    Lotus Server Problems There still happening I hate to say, we are recompiling the Apache server on lotus at the moment.
  9. Brandon

    VERY Unsatisfied Customer!!! Remove My account!!!

    Your hosting account was removed already, and we don't remove forum accounts.
  10. Brandon

    Can I run out of bandwidth?

    You have 500 gigs of transfer with VPS Advanced, 333 MB is nothing.
  11. Brandon


    Lil Wayne!
  12. Brandon


    Welcome back man, your from before my generation haha!
  13. Brandon

    Overall Updates

    Sure is going to be fun doing all this:). In the end all the members will be happy!
  14. Brandon

    I can't access to my website (IP Blocked)

    Does it happen to work now?
  15. Brandon


    Apache recompile on Stoli finished, we still have to do Absolut and Lotus and recompile the PHP's, which we will be doing tomorrow night.
  16. Brandon


    Above should be fixed. Cossacks Apache recompile is done, I just started stoli.
  17. Brandon

    I received this cron job mail, can someone explain this to me?

    I never saw this, it's a problem with your Apache configuration.
  18. Brandon

    Last person to post in this thread wins!

    All are wrong, I win!
  19. Brandon

    Link exchange for car audio/performance

    Anybody who wants to do it. If you want to you got MSN or something we can talk over that?
  20. Brandon

    Link exchange for car audio/performance

    I run a car site over at let me know if your interested in a link exchange. I never knew x10Hosting had a car community :).