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  1. diabolo

    Embedding PHP scripts

    can you provide us a code to see what the problem is?
  2. diabolo

    CSS Overlap Help

    I need somebody to help me get the logo to appear above the navigation. i have already tried to use position, and z-index but the nav would always disappear
  3. diabolo

    Combat Arms

    it does get really addicting, almost like COD: Modern Warfare in game: imHavoc
  4. diabolo

    Nice layout tutorial(s) I always find tutorial9 good for Photoshop tutorials
  5. diabolo


    the most simplest way would be to add a mailto link <a href=""> but that was is possible to lead to spam coming into your mailbox, another way it to just make it a picture so they have to go into their own email client and type the address into the To: box, you can also...
  6. diabolo

    Help with photoshop graphic

    if you can provide an example that would be helpful, another thing is that because you are displaying on the web, a 300 dpi is not needed, it actually increases your file size, 72 is web/screen resolution also I suggest exporting in png format, supports gradients and transparencies better than gif
  7. diabolo

    CSS Prob

    #body div#statusbox_success, div#statusbox_failure { background-attachment:fixed; background-position:left center; background-repeat:no-repeat; color:#000000; font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif; font-size:13px; height:100%; line-height:normal; margin:10px 8px 13px...
  8. diabolo

    need php help

    I decided to read some of your past post, and wondering if you still have this piece of code: if are butchering the code. and its really annoying me. anyway with your current question: it will just be localhost. like you have it now
  9. diabolo

    CrossSlide Installation Help

    sorry guys but i need to know this -bump-
  10. diabolo

    Learning CSS

    o yeah, a couple more points `be patient. (i've been going at it for about a 2 +/- years now, and I still need to peak around for some help) `and make sure to check your CSS if its compliant. you don't want to find out from your top-notch client that your CSS may look wonderful in FF, but like...
  11. diabolo

    Learning CSS

    `lots and lots of practice `get Firebug, helps with fine tunning CSS `if you are stuck on a bug, google it, chances are somebody has the same problem `if you need ideas, don't be afraid to get sneaky and take a peek at other site's code. just don't be a biter and steal it look at it, refer to...
  12. diabolo

    need php help

    i think you need to place <script type="text/javascript"> so.addVariable("shoutbox/server/php/shoutbox.php"); swfobject.registerObject("FlashID"); </script> before this <object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="500" height="375"> so that javascript can...
  13. diabolo

    need php help

    okay, I don't really know the heirarchy for your files, but im pretty sure you don't need the public_html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta...
  14. diabolo

    CrossSlide Installation Help

    can somebody tell me what it means to "invoke CrossSlide inside a DOM-ready handler, like every other visual effect" like what jQuery code do i put in jQuery(function($) { //put your jQuery code here });
  15. diabolo

    review my website

    site broken. 500 internal error.
  16. diabolo

    need php help

    first things first, NEVER post up your password. and where did you get this script, it might help me make sure i got things correct. function __connect() { mysql_connect(ruwan, CONFIG_SQL_DBUSER, 789) or die ('Could not connect: '.mysql_error()); $this->setDBName(shout)...
  17. diabolo

    CSS DropDown Nav Help

    I added this to your code, so it also applies to not-links ul.dropdown ul li a, ul.dropdown ul li span { text-align:left; } and I also hate premade CSS, but Im too lazy to go figure out how to make a dropdown nav right now. as you can see im also too lazy to fix the problems my self. =] o I...
  18. diabolo

    CSS DropDown Nav Help I have a couple things i want to fix on here. `v-align the first layer to the center `left-align all text other than first layer `display all text of first layer on one line (have to get rid of the 30px margin) `fix the hover on SCHOOL INFORMATION > 2009 -...
  19. diabolo

    Aperture Science Backdrops

    I really like the first one. but the circular shutter icon in the second (ASCII) looks more oval-ish rather than circular
  20. diabolo

    Photoshop printing problem

    how did your printer use to print?