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  1. xav0989

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code E7942548)

    The system could not connect to the server. This is a temporary error, and should resolve itself soon. Try again later.
  2. xav0989

    False advertisement

    No need to file a complaint to the FTC, as there is no false advertisement. You can get Up to each one of these on free accounts.
  3. xav0989

    Website still will not open.

    Just wait for DNS to fully propagate. A lot of DNS entries were modified in one shot, and it may take a big longer than usual.
  4. xav0989

    FTP connection doesn`t work

    I would recommend trying again later.
  5. xav0989

    Unable to log into cpanel help please

    It is weird because I can get an account ID but not account name... I'll escalate your thread to level 2.
  6. xav0989

    cannot get webpage to post

    It seems I can't find your hosting account. Were you suspended for inactivity?
  7. xav0989

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code D725D536)

    The username cannot appear in the password. Please cancel attempt and start again using the same forum account.
  8. xav0989

    Addon Domain Problem

    Your account is on chopin, in the new DC. Use the cPanel link from the hosting control panel, and wait for DNS to fully propagate.
  9. xav0989

    Just bought an ipad

    Lol As much as I like linux and M$, I might consider get one, just to play with it, when they lower the prices (a.k.a. second gen at least)
  10. xav0989

    Emails not downloading

    Wait for DNS to propagate. It can sometimes take time.
  11. xav0989

    i am still not able to connect to stoli

    @tbacoop, I can't find your hosting account. Where you suspended for 10 straight days?
  12. xav0989

    Great new X10 Hosting Community Forums appearance

    Thanks, we are glad you appreciate the changes.
  13. xav0989

    Logs in to mysql server, but doesn't select the database

    What is the code you use to connect to the database. You need to specifically tell your code to select a certain database. Also, make sure that the database exists using phpmyadmin.
  14. xav0989

    Could somebody help me with my wordpress header?

    Guys, one thing, use the [ CODE] or [ HTML] or [ PHP] tags. It makes your posts way cleaner and preserves formatting.
  15. xav0989

    Domain changes

    What is the error code you are getting?
  16. xav0989

    .aspx files not working

    The servers are almost fully configured. If ASP.NET doesn't work by friday, post back here and your support request should be escalated.
  17. xav0989

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code 59952FA1)

    The domain you tried to register already exists. If you registered it previously, please delete it, or choose a different name.
  18. xav0989

    Domain Name

    Our process of account creation is not intended for users that don't know their ABC of web hosting. Also, the domain selection is pretty much similar than the one at forumotion. You need to create a new hosting account (with your current forum account) to have a domain.
  19. xav0989

    Absolute - how much longer?

    On Co.Cc, when you manage your domain, are you setup as DNS or the other one under it?
  20. xav0989

    My website is down since a week

    You can use x10's DNS which normally updates itself instantly, or if you want, you can use the IP of, and wait for DNS to propagate.