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  1. callumacrae

    Wordpress Blog posts and suspensions

    Wordpress uses a lot of resources. What plugins do you have installed? ~Callum
  2. callumacrae

    Regarding Hosting Account Suspension.

    Too late, you're not going to be unsuspended. ~Callum
  3. callumacrae

    Where are my files and database ?

    Theres a bug in cPanel, I'm escalating this thread. ~Callum
  4. callumacrae


    In cPanel, under email accounts :) ~Callum
  5. callumacrae


    Are you using wordpress? If so, what plugins do you have installed? ~Callum
  6. callumacrae

    unsuspended my account please

    I've unsuspended you. Remember to log in once every 31 days to avoid being suspended! :) ~Callum
  7. callumacrae

    Error processing hosting account

    What's your hosting account user name? ~Callum
  8. callumacrae

    unsuspend account

    Theres a bug in cPanel, I'll escalate this. ~Callum
  9. callumacrae

    Account is Suspended

    What plugins are there? :/ ~Callum
  10. callumacrae


    I didn't notice colton. Was he scamming credits? :/ ~Callum
  11. callumacrae


    What? ~Callum
  12. callumacrae

    Account is Suspended

    You were resuspended. You must have some serious plugins, it's suspending you straight away. What plugins have you got installed? Tell me all of them, not just one of them. ~Callum
  13. callumacrae

    Account is Suspended

    What plugins have you got installed on WP? I have unsuspended you ~Callum
  14. callumacrae

    account suspension

    You were suspended for breaking the ToS, you will not be unsuspended. ~Callum
  15. callumacrae

    Hello <-- that's the exact one we use. ~Callum
  16. callumacrae


    Has anyone still got negative credits? ~Callum
  17. callumacrae

    Unsuspension actions ineffective

    That's a bug in cPanel, I'm escalating this so that someone can fix it for you. ~Callum
  18. callumacrae

    Port 465 Stopped Working [fsockopen()] Since Monday

    It will be back up when they're got rid of all the proxies. ~Callum
  19. callumacrae

    Are you a hard worker and hungry for success?

    I'm happy with my website. Just seen my traffic jump 400% in the last two days, I released an update for my MOD. ~Callum
  20. callumacrae

