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  1. callumacrae

    Can't *really* unsuspend or log in to cpanel

    I'm escalating this, it's a bug in cPanel. ~Callum
  2. callumacrae

    Awstats vs Google Analytics

    The visits are completely different: Analytics overall: 2,270 Awstats overall: 4,766 (2,725 this month) ~Callum
  3. callumacrae

    unsuspend account

    I've unsuspended you, but remember to log in once a month! ~Callum
  4. callumacrae

    The Ctrl+V game ~Callum
  5. callumacrae

    Port 465 Stopped Working [fsockopen()] Since Monday

    It's been temporarily disabled because there were a lot of proxies using it. It should be back up soon :) ~Callum
  6. callumacrae

    Just unspended my account, to find out my website works, but the inside doesn't.

    I can't seem to unsuspend you :/ ~Callum
  7. callumacrae

    Account status

    cPanel has messed up again, I'm escalating this. ~Callum
  8. callumacrae

    Automatic resolve of unsuspension failed

    I think it's actually http://脑肿瘤脑膜瘤垂体瘤.tk/ :) ~Callum
  9. callumacrae

    Automatic resolve of unsuspension failed

    Everything is working fine for me :/ ~Callum
  10. callumacrae

    suspended acc

    You're unsuspended, but cPanel has messed up again. I'm escalating this so staff can fix it. ~Callum
  11. callumacrae

    Account Disable

    No problem :/ ~Callum
  12. callumacrae

    Account Disable

    He was pointing out that you originally said you weren't hosting a proxy, then later said you hosted something called indiawebproxy :) ~Callum
  13. callumacrae

    Account Disable

    There we go, indiawebproxy. It's a proxy. They are specifically mentioned in the terms of service as not being allowed. You will not be unsuspended. ~Callum
  14. callumacrae

    Account Disable

    What PHP scripts were you uploading, before I escalate? ~Callum
  15. callumacrae


    You don't have to post, you just have to log in and stay logged in for five minutes. ~Callum
  16. callumacrae

    Hosting Account unavailable

    Apparently that hosting account doesn't exist :/ Did you stay logged out for a long period of time, say, a couple months? ~Callum
  17. callumacrae

    Account Disable

    I dunno, but the scanner picked up a file which it didn't like. If you want I can escalate and get staff to check, but only if you're certain you uploaded nothing. ~Callum
  18. callumacrae

    Hosting Account unavailable

    You don't seem to have a hosting account linked with your forum account. What's your hosting account username? ~Callum
  19. callumacrae

    Account Suspension

    Nope, your account is not going to be unsuspended. ~Callum