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  1. Smith6612

    System Not Starting

    I haven't encountered it either, but the geek in me did consider power as a likely option away from the CPU. I've never seen a motherboard actually fail to boot out of the box. I have however seen a Northbridge cook itself somehow on a non-overclocked system. Wasn't a pleasant smell what so ever :\
  2. Smith6612

    How much RAM do you have?

    386MB is still plenty fine for many games at high settings. You just want to take it easy on the high resolution textures and especially the anti-aliasing. Now if your laptop has integrated graphics and not a dedicated GeForce/Radeon, that's another story.
  3. Smith6612

    Lost faith in x10hosting

    Things will get better as always. Once the data center moves are finished and any minor problems are ironed out that is. Shouldn't be too long.
  4. Smith6612

    What should be the minimum connection speed to host my site at home

    Having run home servers back in the past off of very old PCs and having a Linux PC here running as my router with custom software, I can answer all of this for you. (1) What should be the minimum connection speed Back when I first started up on my home server, I ran a fairly active forum and a...
  5. Smith6612

    Where do you live?

    United States for me.
  6. Smith6612

    Cant Boot With internal memory card connected

    Does your BIOS allow you to completely remove a device from the boot list? If you can do this, do so. Set your Hard Disk and Optical Drive as the only boot-able devices. Everything else as disabled. As per USB Legacy Mode, it's only for devices not originally made to run in USB or are otherwise...
  7. Smith6612

    System Not Starting

    Great news. Nothing like checking over the connections to make sure it's good to go. It must have been a safety feature in the motherboard to refuse to POST if no ground has been detected.
  8. Smith6612

    System Not Starting

    When you tried to fire up the PC for the first time, did the fans start up or did you get any beeps? If the power supply energizes but nothing else happens, check the CPU out as it's either seated wrong or it's damaged (more than likely a pin or two), and also check the power connectors on the...
  9. Smith6612

    Please bring back "" as the canonical name.

    The way the address is right now is perfectly fine. still redirects to the same place if you visit it. Google will have to play catch-up, but it will update very soon. If you're using the site:siteaddress here function of Google, just punch in and you...
  10. Smith6612

    What server are YOU on?

    I used to be on the Lotus server. I am located on the Staff Server however, so it can be considered "Paid" hosting. By the way, for proof that I'm on the staff server, trace both of the addresses tied to my account (Primary. May be pointing to home server if Staff...
  11. Smith6612

    Whats your internet quality & speed?

    I consider anything higher than 45ms to servers nearby as "high." If you play games online, it does matter a lot as to what your ping is.
  12. Smith6612

    Whats your internet quality & speed?

    ArchCode, can you send me a PM? I'd like to get some information from your modem to see if we can lower that ping.
  13. Smith6612

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code D725D536)

    This thread can be locked as it is a duplicate. Please refer to this thread below:
  14. Smith6612

    How much should I sell my SNES for?

    If it were me, I wouldn't sell an NES. It's the same way I wouldn't sell an N64 (which is still awesome to this day. 007 anyone? :D). But obviously, I wouldn't consider $650 as anything to sell an NES for unless the stuff you have is extremely rare.
  15. Smith6612

    Which is faster? FTP or WebDisk?

    FTP and WebDisk are pretty much the same if you're transferring large files. For small files however, FTP will beat WebDisk by a long shot, and is also much more reliable.
  16. Smith6612

    Windows 7 Installation Help

    Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I've been awfully busy as of late if you didn't see my signature. I don't see anything wrong with your current desktop that would have caused Windows to hang like that. The hardware you have there is perfectly capable of running Windows 7. Is Safe Mode doing the...
  17. Smith6612

    Upgrading my computer

    ATi cards are great cards. That particular one you have there I know will run anything you throw at it maxed out. Crysis, of course will need a tone down unless you get a high end HD 5 series card. I use nVidia cards here, and if you're looking for a nice bang for the buck card, the 9800GT and...
  18. Smith6612

    Windows xp sp3 won't load

    Ah, that will be a little harder to fix since repair in XP really needs to have IE6 installed unfortunately. You can try a repair installation, however if it doesn't work enough so you can get into System Restore or fix the PC entirely, you'll probably need to reformat.
  19. Smith6612

    Windows 7 Installation Help

    Can you provide your PC's specs? Mention any special modes you might be running such as RAID arrays.
  20. Smith6612

    Windows xp sp3 won't load

    Normally I use Linux Distros such as Knoppix to grab files from the C Drive of Windows PCs to put them onto removable disks. Otherwise, what you need to do is proceed to install Windows, however when prompted, instead of Install or Format, to use the Repair Install. It should be located right...