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  1. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Yes, I needed to urgently tell you something, but your whole hoax wiped it from my mind. I'll probably remember it Monday and it will end up being something like one of your bills that was due tomorrow got delivered to me by accident, or I found out someone had stolen your SS# or something like...
  2. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

    no way!!! 960
  3. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I was simply challenging you to redo what you had already attempted to do. Believe me, I would never attempt to give you $1,000,000,000
  4. ichwar

    x10 forum attendance sheet

    neteater Soki sarvar leafypiggy vigge_sWe ichwar diabolo coldfirezz akkudreamz Smith6612 alexandgruntz LHVWB ichwar neteater akkudreamz IonCannon218 Briganti i2006 ichwar makj111 leafypiggy nexhunter sarvar Stunna akkudreamz neteater nterror ichwar akkudreamz ichwar sarvar akkudreamz...
  5. ichwar

    describe the person!!!

  6. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  7. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I take it that means you give up on my challenge? ;)
  8. ichwar

    x10 forum attendance sheet

    neteater Soki sarvar leafypiggy vigge_sWe ichwar diabolo coldfirezz akkudreamz Smith6612 alexandgruntz LHVWB ichwar neteater akkudreamz IonCannon218 Briganti i2006 ichwar makj111 leafypiggy nexhunter sarvar Stunna akkudreamz neteater nterror ichwar akkudreamz ichwar sarvar akkudreamz...
  9. ichwar

    describe the person!!!

  10. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  11. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    So lets hurry up and post a lot in this thread so that zen-r's emoticon-link discovery will be buried in a pile of spam so large not even a spammer will dare sort through it.
  12. ichwar

    x10 forum attendance sheet

    neteater Soki sarvar leafypiggy vigge_sWe ichwar diabolo coldfirezz akkudreamz Smith6612 alexandgruntz LHVWB ichwar neteater akkudreamz IonCannon218 Briganti i2006 ichwar makj111 leafypiggy nexhunter sarvar Stunna akkudreamz neteater nterror ichwar akkudreamz ichwar sarvar akkudreamz...
  13. ichwar

    describe the person!!!

  14. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Either one.
  15. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  16. ichwar

    describe the person!!!

  17. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Ok, then, I'll give you 28 days to pull your prank instead of 7. You know a lot can happen in that much time. Take it?
  18. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  19. ichwar

    x10 forum attendance sheet

    neteater Soki sarvar leafypiggy vigge_sWe ichwar diabolo coldfirezz akkudreamz Smith6612 alexandgruntz LHVWB ichwar neteater akkudreamz IonCannon218 Briganti i2006 ichwar makj111 leafypiggy nexhunter sarvar Stunna akkudreamz neteater nterror ichwar akkudreamz ichwar sarvar akkudreamz...
  20. ichwar

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Ok, I took and completed your challenge to figure out a way to make completely white links. Now, here's my return challenge for you: hoax me properly. Hoax me GOOD. If you can't do that by Saturday this time next week, then you lose. Ok?