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  1. xav0989

    ESCALATION NECESSARY - Please relink my hosting and forum accounts.

    An account creation may take up to 36 hours (initialize your files, home directory, programs, etc.) if it didn't work in that time frame, then try to create a new account then submit a support request.
  2. xav0989

    Domain name

    add that domain as parked, main or addon and wait for the dns server to propagate.
  3. xav0989

    Database is gone

    There is a known issue with MySQL.
  4. xav0989

    I cannot connect

    your forum account doesn't seem to be linked with a hosting account. Did you register recently?
  5. xav0989

    Wordpress "Error establishing a database connection"

    check the error_log file in the public_html folder, as I am getting a 500 error when browsing to your website.
  6. xav0989

    Servers is slow

    As for the upgrading, you can buy a paid package and have you free account transfered over there. As for why the servers are slow, the recent upgrade that was underway recently is not finished. We have moved the servers but there is still massive work to do. The admins are working around the...
  7. xav0989

    mysqladmin flush-hosts

    I will escalate your thread to the ticket area. Anna beat me...
  8. xav0989

    Email not working on phpBB

    There was no change that I am aware of on lotus. Could you give use more information on the way you are sending mail through phpbb (mail(), sendmail or smtp)?
  9. xav0989

    Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mud

    yeah, they can be costly :P
  10. xav0989

    What is so original about the film Avatar?

    I was more excited at going to see it for the graphics than the actual story. The first time I saw it, I recall thinking half the time "The graphics are literally awesome".
  11. xav0989

    Is forum participation required to keep web hosting?

    But we all appreciate when you drop in a submit a post :P
  12. xav0989

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    here we go :P cd209385
  13. xav0989

    error: Connection timed out 110 Can't open SMTP stream.

    As this is a server issue, I will escalate your thread and an administrator will be able to assist you.
  14. xav0989

    Is it possible to link multiple x10hosting accounts to 1 forum account?

    The system is set up where you have one forum account and one hosting account. As for you multiple accounts, may I suggest: . You will get suspended for that breach of TOS.
  15. xav0989

    MailScanner or Equivalent

    I will see if it is intended to have been removed or not.
  16. xav0989

    I have a question about the rules...

    I will see with some higher authorities (a.k.a. admins) if this does or does not breach our TOS. Just for your information, this thread does not belong to Feedback and Suggestions, but to Free Hosting support.
  17. xav0989

    Problem on my site

    DNS propagation may take some time.
  18. xav0989

    cPanel X isn't loading and the server itself is slow

    what MySQL database manager and wizard?
  19. xav0989

    problem during stoli update

    Are you saying you have 2 free accounts? If so, you'll have to delete one. I will escalate your thread to the ticket area. They will be able to delete your unwanted account and to free the domain that is locked up.
  20. xav0989

    cPanel X isn't loading and the server itself is slow

    I was able to load your site and cPanel very fast. Are you at school or at work, because they could slow down traffic and block access to cPanel (port 2082). Also, next time try to be more descriptive about the situation you are in. Really slow is not the best support request message.