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  1. Livewire

    Suspended for nulled software?

    Depends when admins get back to their keyboards and see my inquiry. I don't have control over that, so be patient - had the TOS not been broken and LOGGED as being broken we wouldn't be here in the first place, and that was caused by your use of illegal software.
  2. Livewire

    Suspended for nulled software?

    The install of DLE itself -was- warez however. That's why I'm verifying if it should stay ZT as the install -was- logged, or if it's one that should be cleared because the software is no longer present.
  3. Livewire

    Suspended for nulled software?

    Warez is one of the ZT reasons which means in accordance with sections 6 and 8, all access to the files/db would've been forfeited. I'm still waiting for a response from one of the admins when they get back, so there's a chance it won't get counted as ZT anyways. That said, it's a slim chance...
  4. Livewire

    Suspended for nulled software?

    Posting passwords won't work in this case when the site's redirecting to a suspended page; I'll doublecheck with higher-ups for a ruling on this one as the TOS violation was logged. Edit: May take a bit, the folks I need to reconfirm with aren't at their keyboards.
  5. Livewire

    Still down?

    It was up, it went down again, staff are already notified but we don't have an ETA. Something's sure making it cranky today though >_<
  6. Livewire

    Suspended for nulled software?

    Why do I have logs on the server for an install of DLE nulled by Araya team then? Edit: DLE I'm assuming is DataLife Engine, a russian CMS that costs $. I'm reading right through the log that I read that shows the file was present on the server, and the TOS broken as such :/
  7. Livewire

    Against the rules?

    From Marketplace Rules.
  8. Livewire

    I want to delete my account

    Did you read what you were copy-pasting? Cause you didn't insert the X where it said to, hence there's no digital signature, so it could not be erased.
  9. Livewire

    Max File Size for Upload is DROPPING!

    Yup, working on it. I'm recovering space right now from major TOS violators; right now I'm slaying an account hosting a gig of porn, we'll see what I can get cleared up on my own while the admins start compiling a list of users with big files to go through.
  10. Livewire

    Max File Size for Upload is DROPPING!

    It's server-wide, not just one account, but that'd explain it. I'll forward it on to staff.
  11. Livewire

    Max File Size for Upload is DROPPING!

    Care to explain where the max file size for upload is dropping, and where you came to the conclusion that the server is being abused?
  12. Livewire

    403 error.

    It happens, just never seen it happen in that particular fashion yet :)
  13. Livewire


    Also, "iPhish Runescape Phisher." Straight from your own source code; there's no getting unsuspended, period. Ticket closed.
  14. Livewire


    Jagex sent us a DMCA on it, so there's no getting unsuspended. I was not amused that Jagex themselves went and contacted us on it, do you know how bad that makes us look?
  15. Livewire

    403 error.

    Should be fixed, you'll need to reupload your files into public_html however. Somewhere in there public_html had actually been erased and then recreated with a copy of the access_logs folder, which isn't actually a folder. It should be back to normal and usable again now though.
  16. Livewire

    403 error.

    There is something seriously screwed up on your account, bear with me while I attempt to figure out what just happened. In short, you don't -have- a public_html. You have a public_html symlink to the apache local logs which don't exista nyways.
  17. Livewire

    Is it piracy?

    He's gunna have a hard time putting them on his site anyways folks. While distributing the ipad applications depends on the TOS of the app in question (I'd imagine some won't mind), installing a nulled install of vBulletin is always permanent...
  18. Livewire


    Runescape private server clients count as Warez/Copyright Infringement combined, so this one would be a permanent suspension.
  19. Livewire

    i want my account back (Suspension Reason: File hosting do not unsuspend -livewire)

    Re: i want my account back (Suspension Reason: File hosting do not unsuspend -livewir Third time I've had to say it cause I've been saying it in all your tickets so far. You were permanently suspended for File Hosting. You had over 2.1gb worth of files stored which were "transloaded" - these...