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  1. dito7967

    Renat HTTP is down....

    Wrong. Forum. Shouldve posted it in free support or opened a support ticket.
  2. dito7967

    An idea...

    Nice! This is the best idea here i have heard so far. Even better then throwing my ipod in the water to cool it off (its charging right now and is extremely hot to the touch, like most ipod touches always are. :P)
  3. dito7967

    c panal

    Probably something like the Madden xbox game series. Or maybe not. I don't know. Im too lazy to try and test the new version out.
  4. dito7967


    :lockd: Your probably not going to get your account back... and don't ask for a backup. Your supposed to read the TOS and AUP during signup... Read it :P
  5. dito7967

    Hosting has been suppend

    Should I even link to these files? Im getting bored of saying this already... READ THE STUPID TOS AND AUP! <--- Terms Of Service <--- Acceptable Use Policy
  6. dito7967


    I have to agree with garrettroyce, VPSs are very hard to run on a daily basis. Not only do you have to worry about downtimes, but you have to worry about resource overuse and DDoS attacks. It can be more trouble then its worth. The advantages can in some cases weigh out the dis advantages. Its...
  7. dito7967

    Could you please help me to add A records and CNAME?

    :P x10 is not a domain registrar. They can change the cnames for you I think but definitely not the A records. Why are you trying to do that anyway?
  8. dito7967

    [62759EEAEEB6] Unsuported Language

    I wonder why nobody ever reads the "Language Rule..." If they have time to check server announcements surely they have time to read that post. :P
  9. dito7967

    linking to my guestbook from another website

    Ok, I will :biggrin:.
  10. dito7967

    linking to my guestbook from another website

    ;) You can run the script (entire guestbook script) on x10s server and use the mysql database but *ONLY* if you are running the entire guestbook script here. Also, do you mind me asking what host you are referring to? (I like experimenting and need a backup host as my other backup host is down)...
  11. dito7967

    linking to my guestbook from another website

    You cannot access mysql for your website *outside* of x10 hosting. Its simply not allowed and can be classified by some as "leeching". If you actually read the Terms Of Service and Acceptable Use Policy on signup you should know that. Of course though nobody really reads it. :tongue: (Can't...
  12. dito7967

    Can I upload PHP Website Script to my website?

    It would probably be better if you didn't. If it was only for personal use and you could make it so it uses very little server load or space then maybe that might be possible. But I doubt you have the PHP programming skills to do that (I don't, please don't take offense by that). It would...
  13. dito7967

    c panal

    /me wishes x10Forums would accept IRC commands... /part #105097-c-panal.html End Message
  14. dito7967

    Best hosting company I have had the pleasure of doing business with!

    Lol. I have been with the service in the past and had a few issues (while vox was still a free server, stupid failing harddrive). The service now though is better then ever. Even free support is much better then I remember it. I might sit a while longer before I buy though, a) I need...
  15. dito7967

    Federal (National) Education Standards [USA]

    Since I am in the public education system, my opinion may or may not matter anyway. I believe that we should be able to do that. Say for example that child taking trigonometry in 7th grade should be allowed to take it providing his math skills are up to that level (he can prove it). Perhaps...
  16. dito7967

    2000th Post! :D

    oh, sorry. I thought it was someone else. :P My memory goes blank sometimes when posting on forums.
  17. dito7967

    2000th Post! :D

    For what? (Tell me on irc, faster user=overscore)
  18. dito7967

    Site Puzzle

    if you get past the first part of the puzzle... refresh the page with the rick roll video on it
  19. dito7967

    Language Rule

    Still is... x10 only truley supports those 3 languages though and as far as they can tell the site in english might be talking about something completely different in chinese.
  20. dito7967

    2000th Post! :D

    What did he have to do with it??? :Pd