Search results

  1. dito7967

    All GSD by me!!!

    Anti-Alaising FTW!
  2. dito7967

    Site Puzzle

    I know... Nice one there :)
  3. dito7967

    2012 Movie out today

    5 STARS!!! And it's not all gloom and destruction so that makes it interesting. A few references to the bible in that movie too (guess).
  4. dito7967

    the Internet in 2012

    I support Net Neutrality... It's great and allows us to access an unlimited wealth of knowledge of information... And: If that happend there would be a giant rebel in 2012 and a reinvention of the internet. At minimum alot of people would be really (censored for x10forums) and rallying...
  5. dito7967

    Selling $100 Adwords credit

    how do you get iTrader points?
  6. dito7967


    Not really, not many people are... Thats what x10Exchange is for.
  7. dito7967

    Selling $100 Adwords credit

    lol, too late eh?
  8. dito7967

    Old Forum User linked to new one / merged?

    I apoligise... I just want to transfer the link from my new account back to my old one... I forgot I still had this account/thought it had closed. Edit: Yes... Or I want it to be deleted and transfer the hosting account link to my old one(the one I am posting with)
  9. dito7967

    Old Forum User linked to new one / merged?

    Can I merge this username with my other username which I created for a hosting account (delta110)? I forgot I still had this account in the signup and now I need to login to two usernames :P
  10. dito7967

    My signature!

    It'll be differant depending on the users screen res setting. Mine is about 1600xsomething
  11. dito7967

    My signature!

    Narwhals Narwhals Swimming in the Ocean!!! Causing a commotion, Coz they are so awesome! Sorry, I just had to get that out :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  12. dito7967

    No advertising on my x10hosting version of my facebook wall please.

    No advertising on my x10hosting version of my facebook wall please.
  13. dito7967

    Google analytics clone script pernitted?

    You could probably use it on your own site and _only_ on your own site... If you were to use it on any other sites it might be questionable but I think you can run a script for that providing it's for your site only
  14. dito7967

    What Happend

    I left x10 for a couple weeks and th whole system changed and now you no longer offer the services I used to love x10 for... Why did you take them out? And why is irc offline right now?
  15. dito7967

    Irc Issue

    The Subdomain exists it is just refusing connections... ( 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=41.383 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=41.577 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=41.514 ms 64 bytes from
  16. dito7967

    Irc Issue

    ty Also Christopher sigchat IRC is offline ( #sigmessenger)
  17. dito7967

    Irc Issue

    I can't connect to IRC... Is it offline?? :lockd: And if so why?
  18. dito7967

    Big problem

    Ouch! - You will have to face them eventually... All I can recommend is try to avoid them, say sorry in a nice way and try not todo anything else to make them even angrier. You will have to face them eventually :/ Edit:
  19. dito7967


  20. dito7967

    game: kill the above user

    Drops a atom bomb on this whole forum and then Comits Suicicide becuase of this song: