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  1. DefecTalisman

    Hi, I'm New Here to x10Hosting

    Welcome harrisa. I am sure you will enjoy your stay at x10.
  2. DefecTalisman

    What do they do?

    If you are reffering to do they use a CMS or is it a custom page then I would say its custom from first glance.
  3. DefecTalisman

    cpanel help

    Please try using If that doesn't work, try clearing your cache and flushing your DNS. Then restart your browser and try again.
  4. DefecTalisman

    user name error

    Please try using If that doesn't work, try clearing your cache and flushing your DNS. Then restart your browser and try again.
  5. DefecTalisman

    cPanel won't load

    This is something you can do yourself either through "File manager" in cpanel or a FTP client such as FileZilla.
  6. DefecTalisman

    Again unsupported language

    Maybe you could set the English translation as the default or you could make that translation link a bit bolder and more obviouse. We do appologise for the inconvenience, but it is your responsability to make the translation obviouse for the account manager that will review your account.
  7. DefecTalisman

    Policy Request

    I am not sure where you saw that. Please link me to it so I can see it. The TOs states "Personal account holders are not permitted to resell, store or give away web-hosting services of their website to other parties". But that applies to using your account to provide hosting for people. I am...
  8. DefecTalisman

    Login Failed

    Please try Also try using only lower case letters for the username. If these dont work I can reset your password, PM for this request.
  9. DefecTalisman

    Master Reset my main domain?

    When you follow the steps I described above you will be lead to a directory structure (you want to select /root/). Click the top entry (/public_html/) and then remove any users assigned to it.
  10. DefecTalisman

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban everyone for excessive usless spam in this thread. I ban everyone because there are rules we all have to abid by, I ban everyone because its my job to uphold those rules and i ban everyone because I can :p (ok, now modcp is going to feel my wrath)
  11. DefecTalisman

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Veridis for not making any sense.
  12. DefecTalisman

    Comand Prompt History

    Same applies to most command prompts/consoles with the up/down to access the history.
  13. DefecTalisman

    Windows Run Commands

    What can be easier than "CTRL+TAB" for that !
  14. DefecTalisman

    Comand Prompt History

    This is intended to be done from the command console and not FireFox(F7 is for Caret Browsing).
  15. DefecTalisman

    Bug in Notepad

    This didn't work for me. Though I could be doing it wrong as your explination was a little brief. Must the filename be either "bush hid the facts" or "this app can break", or must the contents of the file be those ? Should it be saved with an extension or not ?
  16. DefecTalisman

    Can't log into cPanel or access website

    Try clearing your cahce and flushing your DNS. Then restart your browser and give it a try.
  17. DefecTalisman

    Unavailable PHP Pages.

    If this issue continues please reopen this thread.
  18. DefecTalisman suspended.

    When I go to the url I see a nice car tunning web page. Please try and clear cache and flush your DNS. If the problem continues please post back here with updates.
  19. DefecTalisman

    Unavailable PHP Pages.

    Have you tried a basic echo "hello world" script ? You are on Intermediate PHP and it looks like it could be your scripts.
  20. DefecTalisman

    Master Reset my main domain?

    Ok, I think you might have added a password to the directory itself from cPanel. look under "Security" and then "Password Protect Directory". Changing your domain is not going to solve the problem as the domain will always point to the root (which has a password on it).