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  1. Brandon


    Is it working correctly for you now?
  2. Brandon


    Your welcome, and GamingX is a good guy:biggrin:!
  3. Brandon

    php [vBulletin error]

    Re: php Hello, Moved to Level 2 Support, Thread Renamed -> "php [vBulletin error]" The file I edited was includes/functions.php. It doesn't matter, as the function needed is in the next level of PHP, and since the reason you need it doesn't justify us giving it to you, you should be all set...
  4. Brandon

    php [vBulletin error]

    Re: php One way to get rid of these errors would be to comment out a few lines of code, I can attempt to do this for you if you don't want too.
  5. Brandon

    Suspended account

    Your account should be all set now, I am going to close this. If you need any more help, feel free to re-open this.
  6. Brandon

    two domain names

    Yes, you can do that with add-on domains.
  7. Brandon

    Problem with FTP and cPanel

    Hello, Your account was actually terminated on March 13, 2008 for "Suspended for extended period of time, terminated automatically." You are free to open another account with us on the x10Hosting homepage, but make sure you visit first.
  8. Brandon

    Suspended for Inactivity

    Please make sure you login to the forums once every two weeks, your account has been unsuspended.
  9. Brandon

    Apache down ad-free cosacks??????

    Should be all set now.
  10. Brandon

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    Make sure the scripts permissions are set to 755.
  11. Brandon

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for banning someone for a stupid reason!
  12. Brandon

    What are you listening to?

    She Got It - 2 Pistols ft. T-Pain
  13. Brandon

    PHP Config Problem

    Hello, Your problem has been solved, so I am going to close this. Feel free to re-open it if you need additional assistance.
  14. Brandon

    The live interview with Corey...

    PHP is already installed on our servers.
  15. Brandon

    The live interview with Corey...

    As with anything, if we see a demand to add something, as in a lot of users want to see it installed, we would install it.
  16. Brandon

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned because I have the authority to ban you.
  17. Brandon

    FTP Problems

    I think your loosing packets here "14 * 78 ms * []" which could be causing the problem, is it working now?
  18. Brandon

    FTP Problems

    Can you open up command prompt and run 'tracert' and PM me the results please, I want to see if it's locking up on x10 or another server.
  19. Brandon

    My New Internet Speeds

    Don't you mean Comcast? Yes DSL is starting to get old!
  20. Brandon

    Movable Type...

    Please don't bring back old threads, this is from 2005...