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  1. ichwar

    Awseome site

    That's kinda' what I meant by funky, dude.
  2. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for not telling me where to write 10 credits!
  3. ichwar

    ^>v game

    ^Likes a bit of wine with his steak >Does not like the idea of strawberry cheesecake flavored wine vWill insist that I try to make some anyways
  4. ichwar

    Build a computer in...

    Sorry, I've already got a linux pc. What I need is the power of a cray in my iPod.
  5. ichwar

    Guys take a tour of my site..^__^

    Hmmm, a little too black in my opinion. But if you did that on purpose, then I guess it's fine.
  6. ichwar

    LMSTFY - Let Me Search That For You

    I can help with the front end. PM me if you still need someone to do that.
  7. ichwar

    PHP Mail help

    You need to use echo instead of print.
  8. ichwar

    Build a computer in...

    Could you make my CraySuperComputer look like an old iPod 2G? :biggrin:
  9. ichwar

    The Ctrl+V game
  10. ichwar

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get an application that needs some serious debugging. :biggrin: I insert the application that I'm righting write now. Like my spelling? :D
  11. ichwar


    I'm trying to imagine using a computer without a mouse. Anyways, if zen-r doesn't know enough to appreciate linux, he can't be rich enough to afford one of those.
  12. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for admitting to getting fooled. :D
  13. ichwar

    ^>v game

    ^Is the first person sensible enough to admit that a bit of merlot goes well with my steak >Doesn't want to spend the time hunting down and digging out our wine glasses vLikes to cook with wine
  14. ichwar

    Word Association

    (one word :D I'll just pick Operating) Operating >> work
  15. ichwar

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Yes. localhost ;) I did have a vnc at one point. That way, I could serve all my files to my iPod whenever I wanted them. But I didn't use it a whole lot so I took it down. I guess someone who's gonna try putting linux on his iPod.
  16. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  17. ichwar

    game: kill the above user

    I kill alexwhogrunts for wasting money on subwoofer speakers when a pair of Altec Wood InEar headphones like mine would be just fine.
  18. ichwar

    Random Unrelated Game--Continue the story

    I was walking on thin ice when suddenly it started to crack open, revealing a still, smooth surface hiding the turbulent forces within. My feet slipped suddenly and I was thrown into the firey centre of a great burning hole that was surrounded with walls that were too hot to touch. At this, I...
  19. ichwar

    ^>v game

    ^Calls the same person human and alien :nuts: >Knows that is not alien vWill be alien
  20. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned because you didn't fool me this time. :D