Search results

  1. ichwar


    lol, my denomination is Reformed Southern Baptist. I still call my self a Christian too. Christian is a more broad term that covers the smaller equally valid denominations of Christianity. I however vehemently disagree with anyone who says that the Muslims are one of those denominations.
  2. ichwar

    Why to stay at x10Hosting..

    Maybe it makes you more attractive in that you spend less time banging your head against the wall over your site's down time? :D Any ways, I'm not about to leave here because x10 offers some pretty advanced features as far as php and installable scripts as well as the ability to hotlink and...
  3. ichwar

    Word Association

    bus >> white (for those who want an explanation, wasn't there a guy who used to frequent these forums by the name of whitebus?) :D
  4. ichwar


    Nice, that makes each computer more self reliant. A battery can go bad and only one of the servers goes down. No problem in one of those giant facilities.
  5. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for being taking a joke seriously. Didn't you yourself say this:
  6. ichwar

    Word Association

    light >> heavy :D
  7. ichwar

    game: kill the above user

    I kill zen-r by exposing his real name ____ ___ to the whole world! :biggrin:
  8. ichwar

    LMSTFY - Let Me Search That For You

    Zapzack! I've been waiting for you. Look at my last post this thread:
  9. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for never saying that I had to write 10 credits! in the next post I made the first time around. Yes, i know what that . is for. It's a space holder, other wise, the "10 credits!" would of showed up white against a slightly grey background.
  10. ichwar

    The Ctrl+V game

    . ________
  11. ichwar

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned because you never put an expiration. Where's my 10 credits?
  12. ichwar

    ^>v game

    ^Aspires to the position of Sherlock Holmes >Is still in the position of Sherlock Holmes vWill never take away my position
  13. ichwar

    game: kill the above user

    Ok ok, I kill you by forcing you to use linux. :thefinger
  14. ichwar

    Word Association

    ??? joule >> power
  15. ichwar

    Build a computer in...

    That's crazy. lol Check out this keyboard: And this mouse: Some people have too much time I think. :laugh:
  16. ichwar

    Premium Sites Username and Pass

    I see a lot of usernames and passwords for warez and pirating sites. Isn't this as bad as hosting/linking to warez? If that is so, you'll have to remove all that before your site disappears.
  17. ichwar

    LMSTFY - Let Me Search That For You

    Well, this is zapzack's project, so I'll wait for HIM to get permission from Corey before I splice the image and code it into the page. lol, I like that lmgtfy page. I'll try and imitate it. This could be rather fun. :D Anyways, take your time in getting permission zapzack. I've got another...
  18. ichwar

    How to update text while in the midst of running a PHP function?

    No, you don't need a heavy amount of JavaScript to learn AJAX and yes you do need AJAX to dynamically update the text the way (for example) Google does. Here's the tutorial I used to learn AJAX. It's really quite easy.
  19. ichwar

    LMSTFY - Let Me Search That For You

    Looking through the backend, I'd like to redo it so it works without JavaScript, but I guess it's ok as is. Could someone fill me in on this mouse effect you want? I don't see anything special on the current search page. Edit: Ok, here's what I need to know. Zapzack, you just took a...
  20. ichwar

    ^>v game

    ^Does not give away free credits like he claims >Does not keep up with zen-r's fanciful posts vDoes not intend to give away free credits