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  1. Livewire

    No Disk space left :(

    Pinging staff to get it cleaned up.
  2. Livewire

    Sorry for the inconvenience! Can you fix it friends

    Pinging staff to get it cleaned up.
  3. Livewire

    My account has been suspended

    And cause I like to quote the TOS when stp doesn't, Game file hosting is what you got nailed under.
  4. Livewire

    my account has suspended!

    You won't be able to unsuspend it, no. The reason for that is simple: None of the services you can upgrade to (prime, illuminated, and premium) allow proxies.
  5. Livewire

    Account suspension warning

    Premium is separated from free hosting; you're likely getting warnings for the free hosting account. While premium doesn't have an inactivity policy, free does.
  6. Livewire

    500 Internal Server Error SMF Webinstall.php

    Looks like it may have been fixing itself, cause I don't get a 500 ISE when I go to the forum directory. It's showing me a generic starting SMF forum with 1 board and 1 automatic-post from the SMF crew saying "Welcome to SMF!"
  7. Livewire


    Under the zero tolerance rule accounts cannot be deleted manually. You must wait a minimum of 14 days for this account to erase automatically before you will be permitted to create a new one. Should you make a new one in the mean time, you are at risk of losing that account permanently as well.
  8. Livewire


    Well, he did the "free" part right, but the legal part not so much. Free and legal would include phpbb, mybb, smf, and a handful of others. That said, it's your responsibility to do "due diligence" on what friends give you. A simple google search on what vbulletin was would've turned up no...
  9. Livewire


    Protip: is not a valid vBulletin license #. This is a permanent suspension and you will not be unsuspended. Your friend is also a liar, if you'll pardon my direct insult. vBulletin is made by - had you done even a cursory google search you'dve seen this. Thank your friend for...
  10. Livewire

    FTP direction

    To quote the TOS: * Illegal Material: This includes copyrighted works, commercial audio, video, or music files, and any material in violation of any Federal, State, or Local regulation. You may not store copyrighted Mp3s or videos on your webspace in any way shape or form. So basically if it's...
  11. Livewire

    FTP direction

    I see you've found the 16mb hard-limit on FTP as well, anything larger has to be uploaded via file manager, to a maximum of 64mb in one shot.
  12. Livewire

    FTP direction

    Only if you have the legal rights to redistribute that file. Cause if you don't, I'll be along to revoke all access permanently. Make sure you have the legal rights to be uploading the music I see you uploading as well, and re-read the TOS regarding Copyrighted MP3's.
  13. Livewire

    500 Internal Server Error SMF Webinstall.php

    Resource Usage only counts CPU/Ram; the bandwidth -is- unmetered. However, just cause bandwidth is unmetered doesn't mean a script can use all of the available cpu for an indefinite amount of time either, or scripts like TorrentFlux would kill the servers within about 2 seconds.
  14. Livewire

    500 Internal Server Error SMF Webinstall.php

    Also, try to AVOID using the Web Installer, which is all I see present on your account in the forum subfolder. The web installer will quite likely fail-out due to the High Resource Usage restrictions, as it'll take some time to download it from their site. You'll be better off if you download...
  15. Livewire

    unique records

    This is more of a Programming Help issue than a free hosting issue, as this involves questions regarding a mysql query, not the free hosting account itself. You'll get more help if you login to the forum and post over there. Should you take this route though, do follow that sections guidelines...
  16. Livewire

    Phishing Site: #OQQ-532839

    Forwarding not needed in this case (saving a copy for myself), but not a bad idea to just email abuse [@] next round anyways - I get a nice Emergency Alert System triple-tone to tell me someone needs killin' :)
  17. Livewire

    system error

    Go into file manager and chmod your public_html back to 644; when it's 777, nothing that ends in .php will execute.
  18. Livewire


    Head to - Prime and illuminated can, as can premium @
  19. Livewire


    Last Activity 04-13-2011 Are you logging into the forums? Cause the forum registers the login immediately after logging in. Per the TOS, you have to login to the -forums- once every 30 days, not the account panel/cpanel.
  20. Livewire

    I am getting suspended for no reason every day

    Last Activity 04-04-2011 You need to log into the -forums-, not the account control panel or your cpanel. When you unsuspend it without logging in, on the next hunt for inactive accounts, it finds you because you last logged into the forums over 2 months ago.