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  1. Christopher

    Pear is it or isnt it?

    Replace that line with $version[0] = 4.1.22;
  2. Christopher

    Pear is it or isnt it?

    Can you please post line 28 of /home/replaya/public_html/magento-check.php here.
  3. Christopher

    DNS error

    Moved to level two support
  4. Christopher

    My Website Index

    And then restart the browser. If it still doesn't work run "ping" and paste the output here.
  5. Christopher

    Problems with PHP?

    I found this in your error log after I tried to login. That's where the problem is. [Mon Aug 04 12:24:18 2008] [error] [client **.**.**.**] File does not exist: /home/sup3rkir/public_html/chat/chat, referer:
  6. Christopher

    Problem with FTP

    The harddrive is full on the server you are on. I have notified the administrators.
  7. Christopher

    Can i make more then one website

    You can make more than one website on the same account. Use the addon domain feature. You are only allowed to have one account.
  8. Christopher


    You can use .htaccess files. Make sure you set either the cPanel filemanager or your uploading client to show hidden files. They aren't being deleted. In linux a file that starts with a . specifies it should be hidden.
  9. Christopher

    Cannot connect to my FTP

    Try using as the ftp server.
  10. Christopher

    cname change

    Done. Closed
  11. Christopher

    stolix10 is down maybe?

    Please read
  12. Christopher

    Lost domain

    Moved to level two support
  13. Christopher

    site not loading

    Your account was terminated. Reason: Illegal content (Hosting & Linking to copyright material & YouTube downloader).
  14. Christopher

    can not see new index page "great success"

    Moved to level two support A admin needs to fix the DNS entry for the domain.
  15. Christopher

    about adding personal ads

    You can add the ad anywhere you want as long as it's visible and is on every page.
  16. Christopher

    Problem With IMAP Server

    When you are suspended, it changes the password on all the email accounts so you can't login. Then when you get unsuspended it changes them back. Sometimes it doesn't change the password back correctly though. You should be able to set it to whatever it was.
  17. Christopher

    Whats with PHP

    Your post was not deleted.
  18. Christopher

    unable to login to cpanel

    Moved to level two support A administrator needs to fix the DNS entry.