As I suggested your problem is casing.
Your links say "pages/xxxxx" when the folder you have is "Pages/xxxx"
Your image links say "images/xxxx" when the folder you have is "Images/xxxx" ..
Once you fix the casing that it should all work
Your site shows no files.
One thing that maybe causing your issue is our servers are case sensitive in the file names, so if your iframe calls "myfile.html" and your windows machine kindly named it "Myfile.html" the webserver will tell you the file does not exist.
As you have no files in your...
The ads we ask of you must be visible at all times, an ad rotator can be used as well as our ads but our ads must not be in the rotation as it would mean they dont show on a number of occasions.
You have an account, and that its still working.
Please check the IP you get for your website, the fact you see domain available will often mean you cant log into cpanel as in effect it tries to log into the wrong server
Ive just answered your irc ticket on that
Your problem is you changed your permissions on the public_html to 666 (rw rw rw) it needs to be 755 you need execute to go and list a directory.
Normally issues such as yours where you can change to a directory b, the folder has had its permissions incorrectly set. Please ensure they are at least 755. (rwx,rx,rx)
The ability to pay for your account to be unsuspended by x10 credits has been removed. It wasnt an auto unsuspension it was a if you had enough credits you could bail yourself out.
Now you just need to post using the request unsuspension form off the x10 menu.