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  1. bhupendra2895

    Hello from Mauritius

    Hello welcome to x10hosting, good luck for your blog.
  2. bhupendra2895

    10 reasons why you love x10

    I love it because its x10.So one reason is equal to 10 reasons :D
  3. bhupendra2895

    Upload from url

    Yes that's what cPanel can do but you can do this using php or any server side language.But your application should be secure. For using ftp on mobile you can download file manager from .I use this j2me software too.It also supports bluetooth(obex) ftp.
  4. bhupendra2895

    PHP "max_input_time" and "handling file uploads"

    I can't confirm that this 'big file size error' is due to max_input_time or not .Without looking at the source code of script, it is hard to tell.But If you can modify the script which handles the file upload put this php code on top of it. <?php $input_time=240;//your desired value...
  5. bhupendra2895

    Updates of subscribed thread through email not working

    Since last major update of x10hosting forum, I am not recieving updates of subscribed threads through email.I have checked settings in my user cp and everything looks correct.I think other members may be facing the same issue?
  6. bhupendra2895

    I'm new

    Welcome to x10hosting and forums.
  7. bhupendra2895

    Windows 8 in 2012?

    I agree it creates problems specifically for hardware support.What I am able to do with my analog pci tv tuner and bluetooth device in windows xp, I can't do in windows vista or 7.Primary reason for unpopularity of windows vista was the hardware support and additional hardware requirement...
  8. bhupendra2895

    Why my monitor not responding to my pc signals?

    According to my experience with my TFT monitor these can be the possible causes:- 1)May be your VGA cable is damaged. 2)Sometimes if motherboard gets dead then display don't work too. By looking at the description, it looks like you are using the CRT monitor.So above information may not work...
  9. bhupendra2895

    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    Actually, I had to disable ipv6 from network adapter then I was able to see it in ipconfig for my Realtek ethernet adapter.Otherwise it was showing 00:00:00:00:E0. Thanks for the info.
  10. bhupendra2895

    What will happen to my cPanel url

    Just ask following to the support of that company "Please tell me the IP address of cPanel." So when they tell you the IP address just login to that by opening url like this. i.p.add.rss:2082 If you are shy to tell the host name here you can pm me and if it is a free hosting service then it...
  11. bhupendra2895

    Important Poll

    Come on friends don't quote me, I don't use and frontpage. My only suggestion to x10hosting was, if it is possible then keep support for ASP.NET because it is a selling point for free hosting.
  12. bhupendra2895

    Windows 8 in 2012?

    Microsoft's primary business is operating system, but it is not the only thing they do.Microsoft is a good competitor of Goggle.People says same about yahoo, but yahoo is surviving till now.So I think Microsoft's business can be changed later but it won't die.
  13. bhupendra2895

    What will happen to my cPanel url

    Just login to the control panel of your hosting space, as told by the hosting site and you know better what is the URL of that. In control panel just add this domain as a parked domain (if you want to make it primary domain) or addon domain(if it is a add---on domain) in a appropriate section.
  14. bhupendra2895


    How it rules, if I don't know what it is? ;-(
  15. bhupendra2895

    What will happen to my cPanel url

    I don't understand what you said above, If you know hindi, you can send me a private message in hindi and I can translate this for you. I am guessing that you mean that you purchased this domain in exchange of credits from forum and you want to access/know domain registrar's site in which you...
  16. bhupendra2895

    What will happen to my cPanel url

    Instead of this use this & you will be able to see the name of your server in address bar of the browser you are using.In future if server changes then this technique will be useful, there is an alternate way to login to the cPanel by...
  17. bhupendra2895

    Domain for my new website

    If it is for India only then, or is not bad.From your list I will pick If it is a chat site then I will say go for premium hosting in initial phase(untill you don't get enough traffic) and then upgrade to VPS, because chat scripts eats mysql...
  18. bhupendra2895

    How to send friend request?

    I had posted this issue here, According to Zubair, Administrators will resolve this problem, as he reported it to them. I think all x10 lieutenants(Forum addicts) have this...
  19. bhupendra2895

    computer hanging problem

    Viruses are viruses no matter they are designed for windows or Linux. I tried clam av 2 years ago on ubuntu 8.04 and it was able to detect windows viruses ,even in a flash drive which one of my friend carried to my home.Most of viruses developed in this world are designed for windows. And I...
  20. bhupendra2895

    computer hanging problem

    No, best thing about linux live cds are that they allow you to try it before you install it.You can install clam AV under linux environment using apt and it can scan your system for viruses.