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  1. xav0989

    Switch from MyISAM to InnoDB?

    That type of functionality is part of MySQL and is one of it's force (multiple storing engines). It is not disabled under free accounts . However, the default type is set during compilation, thus cannot be changed until a new version of MySQL is made available to the free accounts.
  2. xav0989

    I need help setting up WordPress!

    I didn't think of that but true, as everyone has fantastico enabled.
  3. xav0989

    1000th post party

    In the line of leafypiggy, I invite you to my 1000th post party. (please RSVP) It's in about 300 posts.
  4. xav0989

    Lockerz Invites!

    What is lockerz exactly?
  5. xav0989

    Are Donations ALLOWED?

    It seems correct to me, and it does not violate any laws that I can think of... however, make you that when you buy the ebooks, you are allowed to give them away in raffles. In most of the terms and conditions, they use the term personal use vs. commercial use, so make sure you understand both...
  6. xav0989

    Adobe Soundbooth CS4 Crashing

    I am sure that at Adobe, they paid a team of about 25 developers to come up with the error reporting component and error log software to tech support. I am also sure they were paid to make it look like sumerian to even the most geek users. Anyways, some basic troubleshooting: have you trying...
  7. xav0989

    Radio Button Issue

    Moderator, please close this.
  8. xav0989

    Connection timed out

    Woops, didn't read the post completely, my bad! Anyways, as xadrieth mentionned, file_get_contents streams are blocked. Basically, your best option would be to learn AJAX and JavaScript and do all what the PHP code does in JavaScript.
  9. xav0989

    Help Fixing Wordpress theme

    Thanks a lot, anyways, I loooove challenges, so I am glad I could help!
  10. xav0989

    I need help setting up WordPress!

    what do you want exactly. Do you need help uploading Wordpress or going through the install? I've just done one, so it's still fresh in my mind.
  11. xav0989

    Error 530 Authentication Filezilla

    The User OK says that the username is valid (not necessarily registered, check that there are no typos). The 530 specifies that the password is incorrect (actually, that the specified password is not the same one as the server's one), check that the one you entered is correct.
  12. xav0989

    Connection timed out

    If you check correctly, the page you want to add doesn't exist: Try finding the page that works, that might resolve the problem.
  13. xav0989

    User Groups

    I just need to get a bit more active in the free support section! Edit: it would be a good idea to add the ability to close threads in the free hosting section. This is quite useful as sometimes the problem has a short and simple answer, and there is no need for the question to continue on.
  14. xav0989

    Help Fixing Wordpress theme

    I think I fixed it. There is only the header.php and the style.css files (the other didn't need to be edited)
  15. xav0989

    What CMS do you suggest?

    They only time I actually used a CMS in a website, I used Joomla, for the extensive plugins, theme, support, etc. However, I am now building my own backend using frameworks as I find that it enables you way more freedom and does not add unwanted features that will only slow down the overall website.
  16. xav0989

    1000th Post Party

    you can stop dreaming now garrett!
  17. xav0989

    Help Fixing Wordpress theme

    Could you send me the whole theme (you can send it in a PM if you want), as I don't think WP is gonna accept to work with just the index.php file and the css file! :biggrin:
  18. xav0989

    Making a little C-L OS?

    Well, I've tried to program in Assembler once myself, but I stopped for the exact same reason as you. However, I believe that most OSes Kernels are built in C or C++ nowadays, so you should check that out.
  19. xav0989

    Pricing Discrepancy

    Yup, I'm even considering getting one of the paid plans. In the meantime, somebody should consider redoing the image on the homepage to reflect reality.
  20. xav0989

    SMTP listed as SPAM server

    Having a per-account mail limit would help reduce the spamming that occurs. However, there will always be spam sent on free servers as the service is, well, free. To get the best protection, the best idea is to get a paid account, as spammers are not likely to paid for an account to send spam email.