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  1. LHVWB

    ISP's confirm '2012: The Year The Internet Ends'

    I'm sorry but this is never really likely to ever actually happen, there is enough diversity in the ISP market in most places/countries to ensure that this doesn't happen, any companies that try this will go bust simply because only really incredibly stupid people would buy these services...
  2. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban zapperpost for confusing me. ;)
  3. LHVWB

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Ah, but remember that x10 should be looking to diversify its services a great example being VPS', in order to expand and overtake the world! ;)
  4. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban VPmase for not having enough capital letters in their name.
  5. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban mcklovin for being on a distinguished road. ;)
  6. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 for being online.
  7. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban vigge_sWe for banning me for that again.
  8. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 for banning people for no good reason. ;)
  9. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban vigge_sWe for having such a nice sig. ;)
  10. LHVWB

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Well then maybe you shouldn't try to purposefully spam your way to 500 posts! It can only end up resulting in this thread being deleted again! :nuts: Anyway, I've also been doing some coding, although it just seems to get bigger and bigger, I think my main functions file is at ~800 lines, with...
  11. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban tnl2k7 for having an even more obscure name than me. :P
  12. LHVWB

    Which Weather you like the most and why?

    Re: Which Weather you like the most? I love walking outside during the cold middle of winter, with only shorts and a t-shirt. In Melbourne that's kind of insane, but hey I guess I'm just a little bit crazy! ;) Winter FTW! :biggrin:
  13. LHVWB

    request to link your forum account

    If you want some support then try making a support ticket. You are unlikely to get a useful response here.
  14. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Aerophin for only having 8 posts since november last year. ;)
  15. LHVWB

    Give me a quote to fix this existing site

    Try posting in the MarketPlace for requests.
  16. LHVWB

    Who knows something about MOSS

    Here is a link: I have used $harepoint in the past but only on my schools computers, they recently bought a server to run sharepoint. It seems kind of dodgy to me because naturally its extremely restrictive.
  17. LHVWB

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban AcidusOccisor for being a noob. ;)
  18. LHVWB

    Well, I thought that I had better make a 'Visitor Message'. LOL, me = LHVWB.

    Well, I thought that I had better make a 'Visitor Message'. LOL, me = LHVWB.
  19. LHVWB

    Staff Applications ( How to become a Moderator )

    Please read the thread before you post in it with useless questions. As tnl2k7 said, the staff are fully aware that the moderator application form is broken, its just not the most important thing at the moment.
  20. LHVWB

    ASP pronunciation

    I would say A S P, as an acronym with separate letters. Just like P H P. However it doesn't seem very important. ;)