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  1. DeadBattery

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get a malicious script that takes over your server.. I insert a bottle of water.
  2. DeadBattery

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for having 4 last achievements.
  3. DeadBattery

    Choose A Profession For Person Above You!

    White House Press Secretary
  4. DeadBattery

    Community Helpers vs Normal Members

    42. So much for that streak :)
  5. DeadBattery

    Review My Portfolio

    I like it, the width is a bit too big for my screen though. Sohail, that isn't the SohailTech I remember working on ;)
  6. DeadBattery

    Send Mail from Diffenet Account PHP

    <?php $to = ''; /*change this to your email*/ $subject = 'the subject'; $message = 'hello'; $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)...
  7. DeadBattery

    My new Design

    Design looks good, a bit more spacing should be put between the blog post previews on the front page. On the content page, the top 3 menus have different heights than the other 3.
  8. DeadBattery

    problem :S

    Either MySQL (database) was down or you typed in the wrong information when you installed e107.
  9. DeadBattery

    Count to 200

  10. DeadBattery

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for being the best ;)
  11. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    miguelkp- I sent you 15 Credits Daniel and Derek- I'll put the source code up for download tomorrow. Just note that I only spent like an hour working on it so it isn't that organized. I don't have any time to put much CSS into it.
  12. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    15 Credits Sent to all you guys. Derek- I'll PM you once I get a chance to clear my inbox out. (because I retired, the limit dropped so I don't have any room left)
  13. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    A combination of the md5, rand and substr PHP functions. I'm using the IDs to cross check the results.
  14. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    15 Credits Sent. I wrote the script myself today. :)
  15. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    15 Credits Sent
  16. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    15 Credits Sent
  17. DeadBattery

    [15 Credits] Fill out my quick ISP survey

    I will give you 15 credits to fill out my quick survey (only three items to submit). I'm not selling this data, I just need it for a class. Important! In order to receive your credits, you will have to reply to this thread with the ID number you received once you submitted your form. Also...