Re: Count to 50
I've had an idea. How about we switch for a bit? YOU count? And then we mercilessly bully you :)
Okay maybe it's not that bad.
I think it's stupid to look for other life anyway, it's a waste of money and chances are we'll fall out with them and they'll kill us all anyway.
I don't think it's about evolution any more. We've effectively stopped evolution. People who should die are surviving due to modern science, and...
I like it. Not many themes, but very simple to use, and a lot easier to set up than wordpress.
I still prefer Wordpress though, as it is customisable and it has loads of plugins. And more themes.
I'm just using Wordpress for my website updates. I don't usually do blogging. :)
Sorry, back, accidentally disabled my account.
adamparkzer, thank you for that extremely useful suggestion. I will remember that :)
I'm feeling left out, I'm going to try blogger.
Where did Zen-r actually go?
I went away for a couple of months and have only recently come back, so I'm a bit out of touch.
Anyway back on topic.
To be honest, I couldn't care less about swearing. It doesn't mean anything any more, it's just a way of getting your 900 word essay to 1000...
I did that once. Not with Rap, but it was related to a dream. Anyway moving on...
I don't think it's that odd, except for odd as in out of the norm. I object to anyone kissing in the street, gay or not. But I'm 14, so that might explain why.
I live in England, and we all think that the rest of the world should learn english, so we don't learn it.
Rant over, I speak English (duh :) ), can understand basic spoken german & can read text so a German can understand it. I kind of rely on google translate. I'm learning more German and...
I can't see the point in hard copys any more. If I have any hard copies it's because it's illegal to sell them. Well, it's not, but I'd have to delete it off my computer.
Some people say, but what if your computer dies?
Sorry to be biased, but with iTunes & online music, if your computer dies...
I love it! :)
No insult, but that's a bit...
It looks extremely professional, and I have registered :)
I've just thought though, what's the point in it?
I think you should let the background move with the page. I also think you should do something about the green gap on the right hand side.
Fill in the gaps :)
I don't really get what this website does, maybe you should include an introduction on your homepage?