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  1. carl6969

    account suspension

    Your account has been permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Proxies are not allowed.
  2. carl6969

    Account suspension

    If you are logging into the forums at least once every 31 days this should not happen. However, I have now unsuspended your account.
  3. carl6969

    hello all

    Howdy! Welcome to x10hosting
  4. carl6969

    hosting suspendsion

    You have been permanently suspended fro a zero tolerance violation of x10hosting terms of service. Proxies are not allowed.
  5. carl6969

    account suspension

    Your account has been permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Proxies are not allowed.
  6. carl6969


    Thanks. Where / what word? Spelin nevu wuz my bes sujeck in skool.
  7. carl6969

    account suspension

    Your account has been permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Proxies are not allowed at x10hosting.
  8. carl6969


    Your are fully responsible for the security and content of your own account and website. Your account will remain permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service.
  9. carl6969


    I have unsuspended your account. Please remember to login to the forums at least once every 31 days in order to avoid suspension for inactivity. You are not required to post. Account Manager and cPanel login do not count. @Descalzo: Sorry, I got distracted before I got a chance to add this reply.
  10. carl6969


    Your account has been permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Proxies are not allowed at x10Hosting. You agreed to terms of service when you signed up. Should have read them.
  11. carl6969


    < insert a minimum of three characters here >
  12. carl6969

    Delete my account!

    If you wish to terminate your free hosting account at x10Hosting please please reply to this thread with all of the information enclosed in quotes below; Please reply to this thread - do not start a new thread. Be sure to include your cPanel username where indicated and insert an X inside the...
  13. carl6969

    what are the dns?
  14. carl6969

    time difference

    All the servers are located in the Central Time Zone of the U.S. so that is the time they are using.
  15. carl6969

    Some beginner questions

    Yes, that is all it takes. :)
  16. carl6969

    Help Me with my homepage.

    Quite a few alignment problems present in my Chrome browser.
  17. carl6969


    I find this entire thread very confusing. I think I will go translate Masshuu's name into binary code, read up on the proper way to approach domestic animals and foolish people, make plans for Christmas, and drink some more coffee. Perhaps all of this will make more sense then.
  18. carl6969

    Hello Everyone....!

    No, that was a reference to the Fred Flintstone avatar. :)
  19. carl6969

    FTP not working

    * problem solved - thread closed *
  20. carl6969

    Unable to acsess CPANEL!

    Looks like your account has been permanently suspended for phishing which is a zero tolerance violation of x10hosting terms of service.