Search results

  1. Livewire

    Youtube.php is not using bandwidth of our server

    $url="$search&racy=include&max-results=50"; $ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); // set url to post to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into...
  2. Livewire

    Suspension Reason: Tv show american dad zt.

    Under a permanent suspension we cannot grant backups. This is done for two reasons: One, we're not about to become involved in illegal activities. Two, you agreed to the TOS, and then broke the TOS. We don't -have- a reason to supply you with backups when under Section 6 of said TOS that you...
  3. Livewire

    Please unsespend my account

    When you read the TOS you agreed not to commit copyright infringement or put warez on the account, and you did. You are now permanently suspended and cannot be unsuspended.
  4. Livewire

    Suspension Reason: Tv show american dad zt.

    ZT stands for Zero Tolerance, in this case for Copyright Infringement. You cannot be unsuspended.
  5. Livewire

    AYUDA con mi hosting

    Your account will be erased automatically after a minimum of 14 days, and we will not rush it. This is the penalty for violating our TOS so blatantly.
  6. Livewire

    Can you unsuspend my account ?

    K, explain why all your site says is "Goto" and why there's a crapton of base64'd code in the index file. The reason it got suspended by my kill-script is because I added a filter from your account due to a bit of a major issue: all it says is "goto," which is similar...
  7. Livewire

    Can you unsuspend my account ?

    I'm doublechecking this now, this was one my auto-kill script caught.
  8. Livewire

    Illuminated Plan Moves is the best I can find on it.
  9. Livewire

    Why are my posts moderated?

    Welcome, and I agree that they should be able to be posted; my guess is it's not filtering -where- the link is, so much as "is there a link at all" which bites.
  10. Livewire

    I need urgent help, please.

    If all else fails, put in another main-domain change request and change it back to one of the free subdomains, and then add the as a parked/addon domain once they get their nameserver fiasco fixed :) It's not perfect, and given that there's a lot of server-load being caused from...
  11. Livewire

    Why are my posts moderated?

    I think it's something with how that particular section is setup where if you have less than X posts it runs through a moderation filter first and if anything matches, then it marks it as moderated. Most posts don't have a problem but every one I've approved had a link in it, which doesn't make...
  12. Livewire

    I need urgent help, please.

    If we can get the nameservers to work, the account itself still exists and all content on it should still be there. It's just unviewable right now cause the nameserver's aren't set right and there's no other domains set up (you have the as the main domain).
  13. Livewire

    Why are my posts moderated?

    Not sure why it is, but hang on and I'll get them approved. Must've slipped past the first page cause normally I approve them as I see them :S Edit: Done, approved one and erased 2 cause they were all identical. No infractions needed though, not sure -why- it has to go and make them...
  14. Livewire

    Hosting Account Suspension

    Where's it say inactivity? Says "File hosting zt" here, and that's not a suspension that can be removed (it's a ZT Permanent one).
  15. Livewire

    Erases my account

    You were informed in your last topic you'd get a temporary ban if you opened another ticket, and were informed this was a ZT Permanent suspension. Guess what? It still is, and you -are- banned.
  16. Livewire

    AYUDA con mi hosting

    You were permanently suspended for running an image hosting service which is clearly disallowed under the File Hosting policy. You cannot be unsuspended.
  17. Livewire

    Account suspended due to XP gigabook not being free.

    Just backing calistoy up here. The TOS is your warning - just like when you sign an agreement to a credit card that says "We will charge you a late fee if payments aren't made by the payment due date," they don't send warnings to tell you that you're close to being overdue (or at least none of...
  18. Livewire

    Re-activate account

    Nope. Your entire account is frozen - you'll have to wait a minimum of 14 days (and quite often longer) before the account is erased and you can start over.
  19. Livewire

    Why my account 'video4' suspended

    I'm updating the reason to one that fits a bit better since it does indeed seem you were right. The new problem is youtube.php is acting as a proxy/content scraper and is going to their site and scraping all the links for videos matching a search. I've seen some youtube video sites here that...
  20. Livewire

    My Account suspended

    Nope. Read the TOS - Copyright Infringement, Warez, and nulled scripts. Zero Tolerance, permanently suspended. We don't tolerate anything illegal on our servers -period-.