We're working on getting it working on all servers.
cPanel has beta support for it so it's a bit of a debug process. We hope to have it working soon.
Try taking the files out of the perl dir and put them directly into the cgi-bin directory.
I edited your post and removed the screen shots as they contained password information.
You will probably get a better response in the 3rd party script forum or on the developers sites from the scripts you're using.
Since this is not a hosting account support question I'm going to close this.
Make sure you are using 'namdog' as the user name at the above link.
There is no file size limit.
If you still can not get in post back and we'll reset your password.
I don't see your hosting account linked to this forum account.
What is your hosting account user name?
You should also be able to see how much BW you've used from your cPanel.