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  1. carl6969


    Odd. I just visited your site and it loaded extremely quickly for me.
  2. carl6969


    Howdy! Welcome to x10Hosting.
  3. carl6969

    Hosting for malkygb

    Please post your cPanel username and we will attempt to investigate farther.
  4. carl6969

    Why there aren't Internet Passports?

    I think that is what Bhupendra was referring to with "One government had developed the great firewall.". Play on words with "Great Wall Of China". IMHO the best solution is for all of us to take what measures are appropriate and available to protect ourselves from the scum, thieves, and...
  5. carl6969

    Suspended Account

    Your account was suspended for illegal content which is a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Your account will remain suspended and terminated sometime after 14 days.
  6. carl6969

    Hello Everybody

    Howdy! Welcome to x10Hosting.
  7. carl6969

    How To Make My Site Wok.. Help!

    Generally your pages should have a .html or .htm extension if your pages are written in HTML (example: index.html), or a .php extension if your pages are written in PHP (example: index.php). The default page on your website, (first thing visitors see) is either index.html or index.php. All of...
  8. carl6969

    Server down once again

    Your website is loading fine for me at this time. Your issue was very like some kind of brief temporary issue which resolved itself. Even though x10Hosting is continually working to improve service there may be occasional temporary issues with the free servers.
  9. carl6969

    MY Acount is suspend

    Please post your cPanel username.
  10. carl6969

    WebMail Not work

    Staff is aware of this issue. You will have to wait.
  11. carl6969

    Please review my site.

    I like the color scheme myself. I prefer lighter colors and fonts with good contrast so pages are easy to read. I usually find darker colors difficult to read and a little "depressing", but that is just a matter of my personal taste. You can't please everybody so just try to please yourself, or...
  12. carl6969

    Please review my site.

    Well, you get thumbs up from me simply for including a picture of coffee beans - pretty sure that is coffee beans - in the header animation. Carl likes coffee. The About Us, Pictures, and Music pages are blank. You probably know that. Be careful about what you put on that Music page - make sure...
  13. carl6969

    Please unsuspend my account

    You were suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10Hosting terms of service. Your account will remain suspended and terminated sometime after 14 days. You will not be able to access your files for any reason. You will not be given opportunity to correct your offense. End of discussion.
  14. carl6969

    Why there aren't Internet Passports?

    Sounds like a pretty good idea if there was some way to make it work. I am reasonably sure that if this concept was feasible somebody would have tried to implement it by now. Electronic Internet credentials such as you are suggesting could, (and would), be forged, just as paper or plastic...
  15. carl6969

    potentially unsecure access to cpanel

    You are receiving that browser warning because, due to the recent server work and migrations, the server SSL certificates have not yet been completely configured properly. You may safely ignore that warning in this particular case.
  16. carl6969

    New and reering to go!

    Howdy! Welcome to x10Hosting. Just browse the forums and you will find a lot of useful information and opinions on websites and website design. Regards, Carl
  17. carl6969

    Wrong website showing

    Did you register that domain in your own name? It appears that is not registered to anybody at the present time.
  18. carl6969

    Hello World!

    At the present time there are some restrictions in place affecting who can reply to threads in free hosting support. Also, you should always open your own support thread even if your issue seems to be the same or very similar to an issue being discussed in another thread. Regards, Carl
  19. carl6969

    I always encouter this in x10

    We are trying to determine exactly what website or part of your website you are having difficulty with. Both Zubair and myself have checked your website and neither of us encountered any errors.
  20. carl6969

    How To Make My Site Wok.. Help!

    You should upload your files to the public_html directory. I would suggest that you delete the current index file (index.html or index.php) from the public_html directory and then upload all of your files again.