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  1. Livewire


    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 2009 Arunava Bhowmick ( REMOVED ). Kolkata India Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. If it is run...
  2. Livewire


    Running a re-review now, please hold.
  3. Livewire

    Account suspended

    This is a zero tolerance suspension that we will not remove for any reason. Your account has been locked permanently.
  4. Livewire

    Account Suspended

    By "most or all" did you mean "left half of my nulled vB still on the server, keygen and all" ? Cause I count roughly 30-40 nulled files still present; it actually looks like it suspended you -during- the upload, which is becoming more common lately - soon as it finds the nulled files it severs...
  5. Livewire

    Your Account is Currently Suspended

    Permanent suspension means permanent with no access to your account permitted. Period. You've broken the TOS and US Copyright Law, now deal with the consequences.
  6. Livewire

    Your Account is Currently Suspended

    This is what caused the violation, in short blunt terms. vBulletin costs $150. (If I'm wrong on this figure, my apologies, however it certainly ain't free.) You got it through a group called DGT who released it illegally. You got suspended. You will not be unsuspended, nor provided backups...
  7. Livewire

    Your Account is Currently Suspended

    Please hold, verifying reason.
  8. Livewire

    Learn easy way to earn some money

    Would do good to mention your site is in Portugese, so the non Portugese-readers among us know to either get translate loaded or skip it. Edit: Correction per tuga00343, it's actually in Portugese, my bad.
  9. Livewire

    Doubt on x10premium Terms of Service!

    Processes is the number of PHP instances running at once, however from what I understand it would actually have to have 10 running for a decent amount of time before it tries to suspend you, similar to how it is on free hosting where you have to break the limits for 60 seconds. If I'm right on...
  10. Livewire

    Cannot login on my x10 account!

    We cannot provide access to the account, as it is a violation of our Zero Tolerance policy. Had you read the TOS, you would have seen that even linking to Warez is not allowed, which is part of what you were suspended for. Your entire account has been frozen; no backups allowed or further...
  11. Livewire

    Cannot login on my x10 account!

    No worries, you just got permanently suspended for failing to abide by our TOS by linking to full version copyright infringing videos and software. That said, the login issue is a known issue, and we're working on it.
  12. Livewire

    please unsusspend my account

    I'm not showing a hosting account linked to your forum username. What was the cPanel username so we can see if it's linked to the wrong username or if it's been erased for being suspended too long?
  13. Livewire

    Help with domain please?

    Should only need the nameservers: and - once those are set it can take 48-72hr for it to fully propagate to all DNS providers.
  14. Livewire


    Unsuspending shortly; just try to avoid having it run constantly and test locally if you can - the localhost testing environments are perfect for learning :)
  15. Livewire


    A useless query is one where it pretty much repeatedly ran with no end. If you're testing stuff for a school project and need php/mysql I recommend either WAMP or XAMPP - they're prepackaged localhost development packages with php and mysql, so you don't end up slowing down all of free hosting...
  16. Livewire


    This is one that's not considered zero tolerance as per an admin on IRC; your scripts were running constantly for 90 seconds and then restarting however. If you agree to remove or repair what's causing the loop, I'll unsuspend it.
  17. Livewire

    I got suspended for no reason

    Reply so it notifies you that I have updated my previous post. The suspension stands.
  18. Livewire

    I got suspended for no reason

    So the mysql based chat script in the chat subfolder doesn't exist? Please hold. Edit: part of get.php: <?php session_start(); include_once "../includes/db_connect.php"; include_once "../includes/functions1.php"; include_once "smile.php"; logincheck(); $chatd =...
  19. Livewire

    account suspension

    Permanent suspension zero tolerance for rapidshare; you did halfway decent hiding it, but when you have raw file access it's really easy to find it buried in phpbb3's styles folder. You cannot be unsuspended or provided access to your account, files, or databases for any reason.
  20. Livewire

    you! poor company!

    If the other one was already escalated to admins, you need to give it some time. Staff get a lot of escalated tickets that they have to go through. If memory serves that ticket has been escalated 12 hours. It will take some time for them to get to your ticket and do the investigation required :/