I am able to reach your website with no problems. Perhaps there was some temporary issue that has been resolved. Also, try clearing your browser cache and then try again. If you are still having problems post back and we will assist you farther.
If you would like to delete your Free Hosting account, please fill out the form below.
Make sure you include your cPanel username and the "X" where indicated.
It has been my experience that Google caches just about every website eventually. I have a couple of websites that have very few hits and very few sites linking to them but they were still cached by Google in less than a month and listed in Google Search if correct combination of keywords /...
There seems to be a few issues with email at the present time.
Regarding webmail, Horde and Roundcube are not currently working. You should be able to use Squirrelmail.
I am able to reach your site with no difficulties. May have been a temporary problem. Try clearing your browser cache and try again. If you are still having difficulties post back and we will assist you farther.