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  1. descalzo

    opendocman "depricated: function egreg() is depricated"

    Have you tried using the Beta version of the software? The "stable" release is two years old and apparently has problems with PHP 5.3
  2. descalzo

    404 problem

    Something is causing a redirect to a non-existent page. Since it happens with a .html page, my guess would be that it is your .htaccess to blame. Please print the contents here.
  3. descalzo

    Half of my photos not showing up in my website

    cPanel lists jpg files that way all the time.
  4. descalzo

    Half of my photos not showing up in my website

    My browser (Firefox) is saying that it cannot display the images "because they contain errors". ie, x10hosting is sending the images, but they are somehow corrupted. Not in delivery, but in your account files. One cause could be uploading them to x10 via FTP in text mode instead of binary...
  5. descalzo

    404 problem

    Please keep the discussion in:
  6. descalzo

    404 problem

    Index.html Is nOT tHE SaME as index.html except in the fantasy world of Microsoft Windowz In addition, you seem to have some strange redirect involving Google that actually tries to go to , which also gives a 404 error.
  7. descalzo

    Problems Setting up Formmail

    The PHP: The Form: The names of the inputs do not match. It is best if there are no spaces in the text input names too.
  8. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    header("location:"); missing http:// on the first header call.
  9. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    <?php # if already visited, redirect to another page if ( $_COOKIE[visited] == "br549" ) { header("location:"); exit; } else { # Set Cookie & Expire Time $expire = time()+60*60*24; setcookie( "visited", "br549", $expire); }...
  10. descalzo

    index.html not loading

    I see it. You are looking at a cached copy of the page. Try clearing your browser cache and history. Close and then open browser. If it is your ISP caching, it will just take time for their cache to expire ( or try index.html?foo , the ?foo often tricks caching routines)
  11. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    Make sure the code starts with the blue <?php . Nothing else, even a space, before it. Remove the red ?> . It is telling the PHP interpreter, "My PHP code stops here and the rest is HTML that should be output to the page"
  12. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    So, you don't know anything about PHP?
  13. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    Not the code you posted. Or the page you linked to, either.
  14. descalzo

    putting two codes together

    What is PHP and what is HTML in the code you posted?
  15. descalzo

    how can I check a cron job is running?

    Start with the logging version. Every 10 mins. Add another cron job without logging. Once a year. Once you are satisfied, make logging once a year and non-logging every 10 mins. If you ever wonder if the cron is running or making errors, flip them back and check if the log grows.
  16. descalzo

    how can I check a cron job is running?

    With logging: /usr/bin/php -q /home/igor/public_html/test.php >>/home/igor/public_html/test_log.txt 2>&1 Will put the output of the script into test_log.txt. That will help debuggin, etc and will show you the cron job is running. If the output is short, the log file does not grow too...
  17. descalzo

    how can I check a cron job is running?

    Why were you using wget in the first place (it retrieves the page same as going to the page via your browser)? And if you shove any output into the null device, how do you have any record of the script running?
  18. descalzo

    how can I check a cron job is running?

    wget has been disabled and you should use curl instead. See:
  19. descalzo

    parked domain problem

    A. That post is 4 years old B. That post is wrong. If you do not add a redirect, going to will leave in the address bar. You will see the exact same content as, but the address bar will show the .com, UNLESS you add a redirect. C. The...
  20. descalzo

    parked domain problem