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  1. C

    Disassociate Railgun?

    Looks like I might as well keep it. Thanks for that information, I really appreciate it.
  2. C

    503 Service unavailable on xo2

    My scripts are pretty light on resources, so I don't think it would be something that would cause the issues. Anyway, it looks like it has solved itself. (Un)fortunately, there's no 'loop detected' HTTP response when sending in a short amount of time (as discovered when the errors were going on).
  3. C

    Disassociate Railgun?

    On my other domain (using GoDaddy), I've changed to a cPanel plan (from the old hosting plan that uses GD's own control panel). I had to re-add the site to Cloudflare as it used different IPs (there was so many records to change and add), which was a big mistake as that was when the CPU would...
  4. C

    Internal Service Error 500

    "EDQUOT" is within the error message. This means you've exceeded your quota. Can you delete some files/folders that you don't need?
  5. C

    Disassociate Railgun?

    Just a little bump. Not desperate for this one but it's to make sure no serious issues occur in the near future.
  6. C

    503 Service unavailable on xo2

    I was using an AJAX form and it seems that most of the time I would get a 503 Backend fetch failed, 503 Service Unavailable, and a loop detected response [408 I think, ignore this as I was pressing the button quickly as it was getting those other responses]).
  7. C

    Will buying the Prime upgrade allow me to use my personal domain as my primary domain address?

    Packages such as prime and illuminated are linked to free hosting. Those packages basically adds more resources to your free hosting account, meaning that things such as the primary domain name cannot be changed to the domain you desire (well, the only part you can request to change is the first...
  8. C

    503 Service unavailable on xo2

    Now it's unflagged and the error seems to be gone.
  9. C

    503 Service unavailable on xo2

    I seem to be also getting a 503 on xo2, but it's not from Varnish cache, rather it's from Apache (Service Unavailable).
  10. C

    Disassociate Railgun?

    Not too long ago, Cloudflare changed the plans for Railgun so that it's only available for business and enterprise. I only have pro. From that point forwards, I cannot toggle railgun nor test it. For my other site (different host), after re-adding (as it had a different IP), Railgun messed up so...
  11. C

    Review My Site!

    People are supposed to pay for such forum software, unless you're paying for the licence for them. In that case, I believe that it would be fine. I'm saying that because providing nulled software would be illegal on X10Hosting. I'm not trying to sound like a "mini-mod". It's more of a alert as...
  12. C


    This sounds so awesome. This will most definitely improve the user experience. One thing I had in mind is to add the status site link to the forums page so that it's easy to spot. That way, there would be less repetitive threads about the same exact issue and people would be aware that the...
  13. C

    Review My Site!

    Interesting UI, animations and color scheme. I've noticed a few mistakes, within ea- Wait. " the latest version of XenForo for free..." Why is it saying that you can get Xenforo for free? :pigeon:
  14. C

    Your site has been limited... (in what way?)

    It's literally saying that the CPU resources allocated for your site has been lowered (at least that's what I've picked up from it). MySQL shouldn't be affected.
  15. C

    New Forum Layout

    Looks like the CSS needs a bit of adjustments. EDIT: Just noticed that the CSS sizing issue also occurs on PCs where the page is just a little too big (right side gets a little cut off making it look like there's no padding).
  16. C

    New Forum Layout

    The box holding the post content is aligned completely to the right on mobile devices, the text within the box is however aligned to the left. I'll just fetch the screenshot to show you what I mean... Here it is:
  17. C

    New Forum Layout

    The only thing that I'm not really a fan of is the fact that it's all on one side squashed because it just makes the post look longer so you would have to scroll more.
  18. C

    Sorry - another problem

    Displaying errors right on the page isn't really a good idea as a visitor can end up seeing information they shouldn't know about. Personally, I go with error logging (where errors get stored in a file) because only you (if you make it 403 on people who attempt to access the log via their...
  19. C

    Sorry - another problem

    Did this happen after a change or did it happen "randomly"?
  20. C

    "Login session has expired" / "IP Address has changed"

    Are you using a proxy / VPN / work network?