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  1. descalzo

    آپلود سنتر دانلود عرفان

    Sorry, but at the present time x10hosting cannot do business with residents of your country.
  2. descalzo

    problem running cronjobs

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/luke83/public_html/cron/cron_job.php >>/home/luke83/public_html/cron/cron_log.txt 2>&1 Is the format that I use and it works on Chopin. Any output from cron_job.php or any error messages are logged into cron_log.txt, that way you can 1) see if the cron job is...
  3. descalzo

    DNS Servers
  4. descalzo

    can someone help me out, please

    You can try... Find function http_get($url, $post_vars = false) { Change to function http_get_new($url, $post_vars = false) { ie, just add _new then find and change function post_comment($postId, $name, $message) { global $user_key, $user_hash, $blog_callback; if(...
  5. descalzo

    how can my hosting be revived?

    If your account was suspended for inactivity and then remained suspended for 14 days, it would have been deleted. No backups are kept.
  6. descalzo

    Can't connect to MySQL server by php code

    Not when you create it.
  7. descalzo

    Can't connect to MySQL server by php code

    cPanel --> MySQL Databases When you add a DB user to a DB, a screen pops up and you must check ALL_PRIVILEGES
  8. descalzo

    Help pleas..

    I get a 403 permission denied. Make sure your index page has permissions of 0644 and public_html is 0750
  9. descalzo

    "Unsuspend" unavailable, QUICKLY RESOLVED!

    Site works for me. Make sure you clear your browser cache and history before checking your site.
  10. descalzo

    can someone help me out, please

    Without seeing the code, nobody can help you.
  11. descalzo

    Problem with parked domein...

    That URL works for me. External redirect to the domain, which is not needed with a parked domain.
  12. descalzo

    Can't connect to MySQL server by php code

    Exactly what is the db name? Are you sure it is correct? Did you add the DB user to the DB with all privileges?
  13. descalzo

    Images are not loading on my site

    Do you have a URL where we can see the problem?
  14. descalzo

    pictures not showing on website

    I show that the images cannot be displayed because they contain errors. How did you upload them? If via FTP, make sure they were done in binary.
  15. descalzo

    broken domain

    Seems to work now.
  16. descalzo

    create a CNAME DNS for my domain

    Flush DNS and clear browser cache and history. The Web does not update itself instantaneously. It seems to be working now.
  17. descalzo

    create a CNAME DNS for my domain

    cPanel 'Domains' section Either Simple or Advanced DNS Zone Editor
  18. descalzo

    suspended or not?

    You should be okay now. Don't forget to clear your browser cache and history before checking your site.
  19. descalzo

    503 error when accessing page?

    I don't see any errors on your site.
  20. descalzo

    problems with cronjobs

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/igor/public_html/cron/mail_job.php >>/home/igor/public_html/cron/cron_log.txt 2>&1 Replace "igor" with your cPanel username and adjust paths as needed (you do not have to put them in a directory named cron). They can be any path below /home/igor . Having them below...