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  1. descalzo

    301 moved permanently...

    I don't see any problem. Clear your browser cache and history before checking your site. Ok, now I see what you are talking about.
  2. descalzo

    301 moved permanently...

    I see the default "This account has just been created." page when I go to your site. You have to delete the default index.html and upload index.html index.php or index.htm
  3. descalzo

    Suspended for a long while, want to re-register a new domain and can't

    Why won't it let you? What was the error message? Are you accessing x10 from a proxy?
  4. descalzo

    can someone help me out, please

    Add your old site name back on as a parked domain. Then go to your CMS via the old name and go to the Admin section and adjust the URL to what you want. Then remove the old site name from the parked domain.
  5. descalzo

    Site not updating

    Make sure you clear your browser cache and history before checking updates. It is a common problem that has nothing to do with the servers. If your ISP is caching content too, you will have to either wait until their cache expires or add ?foo to the page URL to force the caching program to grab...
  6. descalzo

    Getting 404 Error on Boru when files are there!

    Your files belong in public_html ( /home/teamikg/public_html ) But it looks like you deleted the directory.
  7. descalzo

    Site wont update?

    Make sure you clear your browser cache and history before checking updates. It is a common problem that has nothing to do with the servers. If your ISP is caching content too, you will have to either wait until their cache expires or add ?foo to the page URL to force the caching program to...
  8. descalzo

    Unable to confirm email address

    Do you mean your account attached to the Forum username aacrix90 ?
  9. descalzo

    No longer my page Web

    I can see it. Please clear your browser cache and history before checking again.
  10. descalzo

    403 Error when writing from php file to XML file

    Step 1 is make sure handler.php has proper permissions, 0644 (and the directory xml set to 0755 )
  11. descalzo

    Error pages

    Way I do it. 1. Create subdirectory errors in public_html 2. Create my error pages, 404.html (or 404.php ), 500.html, etc and put them in public_html/errors 3. Open the .htaccess file in public_html 4. Add lines like ErrorDocument 403 /errors/403.html ErrorDocument 500 /errors/500.html...
  12. descalzo

    My site not accessible

    You need some sort of index page in public_html. Replace the default one that came with the account. You also need an index page in /start . Looks like you are getting a 404 there because you do not have an index.html/php page there. Once you have a functioning site, ask for the upgrade...
  13. descalzo

    my cpanel not open in office just open from home

    Talk to your IT department . They are probably blocking ports 2082 and 2083.
  14. descalzo

    Unsuspend my account?

    Try now. Sometimes the system needs a second kick. w77hopunit no longer shows the suspended page.
  15. descalzo

    can someone help me out, please

    Most CMS have a setting for the URL of the site. Sounds like you have to go to your Admin section and change the option.
  16. descalzo

    Domain name problem brings up a leafy green site. Try clearing your browser cache and history.
  17. descalzo

    can someone help me out, please

    How is he supposed to know what a "minimal sample" is?
  18. descalzo

    Mail error: Gid 7358 is not permitted to relay mail, or has directly called /usr/sbin

    Re: Mail error: Gid 7358 is not permitted to relay mail, or has directly called /usr/ Seems that you should set phpBB so that the "From" address is an email account on your account, ie vasyian at alfamasculin dot ru
  19. descalzo

    domain not working again

    Your site loads. It outputs a database error. Which means that you possibly gave it the wrong information or did not set up your datbase and user properly.
  20. descalzo

    No more valid domain is listed as your main domain and I can reach it via the Web